/* This is a general purpose hash table package written by Peter Moore @ UCB. */ static char sccsid[] = "@(#) st.c 5.1 89/12/14 Crucible"; #ifndef lint static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/ext/cvsroot/ruby/st.c,v 1.2 1994/08/12 04:47:59 matz Exp $"; #endif #include "config.h" #include #include "st.h" extern void *xmalloc(); static rehash(); #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define nil(type) ((type *) 0) #define alloc(type) (type *)xmalloc((unsigned)sizeof(type)) #define Calloc(n,s) (char *)xcalloc((n),(s)) /* * DEFAULT_MAX_DENSITY is the default for the largest we allow the * average number of items per bin before increasing the number of * bins * * DEFAULT_INIT_TABLE_SIZE is the default for the number of bins * allocated initially * * DEFAULT_GROW_FACTOR is the amount the hash table is expanded after * the density has reached max_density */ #define EQUAL(func, x, y) \ ((func == ST_NUMCMP) ? ((x) == (y)) : ((*func)((x), (y)) == 0)) /*#define do_hash(key, table) (*table->hash)(key, table->num_bins)*/ #define do_hash(key, table)\ ((table->hash == ST_PTRHASH) ? (((int) (key) >> 2) % table->num_bins) :\ (table->hash == ST_NUMHASH) ? ((int) (key) % table->num_bins) :\ (*table->hash)((key), table->num_bins)) st_table *st_init_table_with_params(compare, hash, size, density, grow_factor, reorder_flag) int (*compare)(); int (*hash)(); int size; int density; double grow_factor; int reorder_flag; { st_table *tbl; tbl = alloc(st_table); tbl->compare = compare; tbl->hash = hash; tbl->num_entries = 0; tbl->max_density = density; tbl->grow_factor = grow_factor; tbl->reorder_flag = reorder_flag; tbl->num_bins = size; tbl->bins = (st_table_entry **) Calloc((unsigned)size, sizeof(st_table_entry *)); return tbl; } st_table *st_init_table(compare, hash) int (*compare)(); int (*hash)(); { return st_init_table_with_params(compare, hash, ST_DEFAULT_INIT_TABLE_SIZE, ST_DEFAULT_MAX_DENSITY, ST_DEFAULT_GROW_FACTOR, ST_DEFAULT_REORDER_FLAG); } st_free_table(table) st_table *table; { register st_table_entry *ptr, *next; int i; for(i = 0; i < table->num_bins ; i++) { ptr = table->bins[i]; while (ptr != nil(st_table_entry)) { next = ptr->next; free((char *) ptr); ptr = next; } } free((char *) table->bins); free((char *) table); } #define PTR_NOT_EQUAL(table, ptr, key)\ (ptr != nil(st_table_entry) && !EQUAL(table->compare, key, (ptr)->key)) #define FIND_ENTRY(table, ptr, hash_val)\ ptr = (table)->bins[hash_val];\ if (PTR_NOT_EQUAL(table, ptr, key)) {\ while (PTR_NOT_EQUAL(table, ptr->next, key)) {\ ptr = ptr->next;\ }\ if (ptr->next != nil(st_table_entry) && (table)->reorder_flag) {\ st_table_entry *_tmp = (ptr)->next;\ (ptr)->next = (ptr)->next->next;\ _tmp->next = (table)->bins[hash_val];\ (table)->bins[hash_val] = _tmp;\ ptr = _tmp;\ } else {\ ptr = ptr->next;\ }\ } st_lookup(table, key, value) st_table *table; register char *key; char **value; { int hash_val; register st_table_entry *ptr; hash_val = do_hash(key, table); FIND_ENTRY(table, ptr, hash_val); if (ptr == nil(st_table_entry)) { return 0; } else { if (value != nil(char *)) *value = ptr->record; return 1; } } #define ADD_DIRECT(table, key, value, hash_val, tbl)\ {\ if (table->num_entries/table->num_bins > table->max_density) {\ rehash(table);\ hash_val = do_hash(key,table);\ }\ \ tbl = alloc(st_table_entry);\ \ tbl->key = key;\ tbl->record = value;\ tbl->next = table->bins[hash_val];\ table->bins[hash_val] = tbl;\ table->num_entries++;\ } st_insert(table, key, value) register st_table *table; register char *key; char *value; { int hash_val; st_table_entry *tbl; register st_table_entry *ptr; hash_val = do_hash(key, table); FIND_ENTRY(table, ptr, hash_val); if (ptr == nil(st_table_entry)) { ADD_DIRECT(table,key,value,hash_val,tbl); return 0; } else { ptr->record = value; return 1; } } st_add_direct(table, key, value) st_table *table; char *key; char *value; { int hash_val; st_table_entry *tbl; hash_val = do_hash(key, table); ADD_DIRECT(table, key, value, hash_val, tbl); } st_find_or_add(table, key, slot) st_table *table; char *key; char ***slot; { int hash_val; st_table_entry *tbl, *ptr; hash_val = do_hash(key, table); FIND_ENTRY(table, ptr, hash_val); if (ptr == nil(st_table_entry)) { ADD_DIRECT(table, key, (char *)0, hash_val, tbl) if (slot != nil(char **)) *slot = &tbl->record; return 0; } else { if (slot != nil(char **)) *slot = &ptr->record; return 1; } } static rehash(table) register st_table *table; { register st_table_entry *ptr, *next, **old_bins = table->bins; int i, old_num_bins = table->num_bins, hash_val; table->num_bins = table->grow_factor*old_num_bins; if (table->num_bins%2 == 0) { table->num_bins += 1; } table->num_entries = 0; table->bins = (st_table_entry **) Calloc((unsigned) table->num_bins, sizeof(st_table_entry *)); for(i = 0; i < old_num_bins ; i++) { ptr = old_bins[i]; while (ptr != nil(st_table_entry)) { next = ptr->next; hash_val = do_hash(ptr->key, table); ptr->next = table->bins[hash_val]; table->bins[hash_val] = ptr; table->num_entries++; ptr = next; } } free((char *) old_bins); } st_table *st_copy(old_table) st_table *old_table; { st_table *new_table; st_table_entry *ptr, *tbl; int i, num_bins = old_table->num_bins; new_table = alloc(st_table); if (new_table == nil(st_table)) { return nil(st_table); } *new_table = *old_table; new_table->bins = (st_table_entry **) Calloc((unsigned) num_bins, sizeof(st_table_entry *)); if (new_table->bins == nil(st_table_entry *)) { free((char *) new_table); return nil(st_table); } for(i = 0; i < num_bins ; i++) { new_table->bins[i] = nil(st_table_entry); ptr = old_table->bins[i]; while (ptr != nil(st_table_entry)) { tbl = alloc(st_table_entry); if (tbl == nil(st_table_entry)) { free((char *) new_table->bins); free((char *) new_table); return nil(st_table); } *tbl = *ptr; tbl->next = new_table->bins[i]; new_table->bins[i] = tbl; ptr = ptr->next; } } return new_table; } st_delete(table, key, value) register st_table *table; register char **key; char **value; { int hash_val; st_table_entry *tmp; register st_table_entry *ptr; hash_val = do_hash(*key, table); ptr = table->bins[hash_val]; if (ptr == nil(st_table_entry)) { if (value != nil(char *)) *value = nil(char); return 0; } if (EQUAL(table->compare, *key, ptr->key)) { table->bins[hash_val] = ptr->next; table->num_entries--; if (value != nil(char *)) *value = ptr->record; *key = ptr->key; free((char *) ptr); return 1; } for(; ptr->next != nil(st_table_entry); ptr = ptr->next) { if (EQUAL(table->compare, ptr->next->key, *key)) { tmp = ptr->next; ptr->next = ptr->next->next; table->num_entries--; if (value != nil(char *)) *value = tmp->record; *key = tmp->key; free((char *) tmp); return 1; } } return 0; } st_foreach(table, func, arg) st_table *table; enum st_retval (*func)(); char *arg; { st_table_entry *ptr, *last, *tmp; enum st_retval retval; int i; for(i = 0; i < table->num_bins; i++) { last = nil(st_table_entry); for(ptr = table->bins[i]; ptr != nil(st_table_entry);) { retval = (*func)(ptr->key, ptr->record, arg); switch (retval) { case ST_CONTINUE: last = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; break; case ST_STOP: return; case ST_DELETE: tmp = ptr; if (last == nil(st_table_entry)) { table->bins[i] = ptr->next; } else { last->next = ptr->next; } ptr = ptr->next; free((char *) tmp); } } } } st_strhash(string, modulus) register char *string; int modulus; { register int val = 0; register int c; while ((c = *string++) != '\0') { val = val*997 + c; } return ((val < 0) ? -val : val)%modulus; }