require_relative "../spec_helper" module SyntaxSuggest RSpec.describe "Core extension" do it "SyntaxError monkepatch ensures there is a newline to the end of the file" do skip if <"3.2") Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| tmpdir = Pathname(dir) file = tmpdir.join("file.rb") file.write(<<~EOM.strip) print 'no newline EOM core_ext_file = lib_dir.join("syntax_suggest").join("core_ext") require_relative core_ext_file original_message = "blerg" error = def error.set_tmp_path_for_testing=(path) @tmp_path_for_testing = path end error.set_tmp_path_for_testing = file def error.path @tmp_path_for_testing end detailed = error.detailed_message(highlight: false, syntax_suggest: true) expect(detailed).to include("'no newline\n#{original_message}") expect(detailed).to_not include("print 'no newline#{original_message}") end end end end