# frozen_string_literal: true require "bundler/setup" require "syntax_suggest/api" require "benchmark" require "tempfile" RSpec.configure do |config| # Enable flags like --only-failures and --next-failure config.example_status_persistence_file_path = ".rspec_status" # Disable RSpec exposing methods globally on `Module` and `main` config.disable_monkey_patching! config.expect_with :rspec do |c| c.syntax = :expect end end # Used for debugging modifications to # display output def debug_display(output) return unless ENV["DEBUG_DISPLAY"] puts puts output puts end def spec_dir Pathname(__dir__) end def lib_dir root_dir.join("lib") end def root_dir spec_dir.join("..") end def fixtures_dir spec_dir.join("fixtures") end def ruby_core? !root_dir.join("syntax_suggest.gemspec").exist? end def code_line_array(source) SyntaxSuggest::CleanDocument.new(source: source).call.lines end autoload :RubyProf, "ruby-prof" def debug_perf raise "No block given" unless block_given? if ENV["DEBUG_PERF"] out = nil result = RubyProf.profile do out = yield end dir = SyntaxSuggest.record_dir("tmp") printer = RubyProf::MultiPrinter.new(result, [:flat, :graph, :graph_html, :tree, :call_tree, :stack, :dot]) printer.print(path: dir, profile: "profile") out else yield end end def run!(cmd, raise_on_nonzero_exit: true) out = `#{cmd} 2>&1` raise "Command: #{cmd} failed: #{out}" if !$?.success? && raise_on_nonzero_exit out end # Allows us to write cleaner tests since <<~EOM block quotes # strip off all leading indentation and we need it to be preserved # sometimes. class String def indent(number) lines.map do |line| if line.chomp.empty? line else " " * number + line end end.join end end