#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # rexe - Ruby Command Line Executor Filter # # Inspired by https://github.com/thisredone/rb # frozen_string_literal: true require 'bundler' require 'date' require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'shellwords' class Rexe VERSION = '1.5.1' PROJECT_URL = 'https://github.com/keithrbennett/rexe' module Helpers # Try executing code. If error raised, print message (but not stack trace) & exit -1. def try begin yield rescue Exception => e unless e.class == SystemExit $stderr.puts("rexe: #{e}") $stderr.puts("Use the -h option to get help.") exit(-1) end end end end class Options < Struct.new( :input_filespec, :input_format, :input_mode, :loads, :output_format, :output_format_tty, :output_format_block, :requires, :log_format, :noop) def initialize super clear end def clear self.input_filespec = nil self.input_format = :none self.input_mode = :none self.output_format = :none self.output_format_tty = :none self.output_format_block = :none self.loads = [] self.requires = [] self.log_format = :none self.noop = false end end class Lookups def input_modes @input_modes ||= { 'l' => :line, 'e' => :enumerator, 'b' => :one_big_string, 'n' => :none } end def input_formats @input_formats ||= { 'j' => :json, 'm' => :marshal, 'n' => :none, 'y' => :yaml, } end def input_parsers @input_parsers ||= { json: ->(string) { JSON.parse(string) }, marshal: ->(string) { Marshal.load(string) }, none: ->(string) { string }, yaml: ->(string) { YAML.load(string) }, } end def output_formats @output_formats ||= { 'a' => :amazing_print, 'i' => :inspect, 'j' => :json, 'J' => :pretty_json, 'm' => :marshal, 'n' => :none, 'p' => :puts, # default 'P' => :pretty_print, 's' => :to_s, 'y' => :yaml, } end def formatters @formatters ||= { amazing_print: ->(obj) { obj.ai + "\n" }, inspect: ->(obj) { obj.inspect + "\n" }, json: ->(obj) { obj.to_json }, marshal: ->(obj) { Marshal.dump(obj) }, none: ->(_obj) { nil }, pretty_json: ->(obj) { JSON.pretty_generate(obj) }, pretty_print: ->(obj) { obj.pretty_inspect }, puts: ->(obj) { require 'stringio'; sio = StringIO.new; sio.puts(obj); sio.string }, to_s: ->(obj) { obj.to_s + "\n" }, yaml: ->(obj) { obj.to_yaml }, } end def format_requires @format_requires ||= { json: 'json', pretty_json: 'json', amazing_print: 'amazing_print', pretty_print: 'pp', yaml: 'yaml' } end end class CommandLineParser include Helpers attr_reader :lookups, :options def initialize @lookups = Lookups.new @options = Options.new end # Inserts contents of REXE_OPTIONS environment variable at the beginning of ARGV. private def prepend_environment_options env_opt_string = ENV['REXE_OPTIONS'] if env_opt_string args_to_prepend = Shellwords.shellsplit(env_opt_string) ARGV.unshift(args_to_prepend).flatten! end end private def add_format_requires_to_requires_list formats = [options.input_format, options.output_format, options.log_format] requires = formats.map { |format| lookups.format_requires[format] }.uniq.compact requires.each { |r| options.requires << r } end private def help_text unless @help_text @help_text ||= <<~HEREDOC rexe -- Ruby Command Line Executor/Filter -- v#{VERSION} -- #{PROJECT_URL} Executes Ruby code on the command line, optionally automating management of standard input and standard output, and optionally parsing input and formatting output with YAML, JSON, etc. rexe [options] [Ruby source code] Options: -c --clear_options Clear all previous command line options specified up to now -f --input_file Use this file instead of stdin for preprocessed input; if filespec has a YAML and JSON file extension, sets input format accordingly and sets input mode to -mb -g --log_format FORMAT Log format, logs to stderr, defaults to -gn (none) (see -o for format options) -h, --help Print help and exit -i, --input_format FORMAT Input format, defaults to -in (None) -ij JSON -im Marshal -in None (default) -iy YAML -l, --load RUBY_FILE(S) Ruby file(s) to load, comma separated; ! to clear all, or precede a name with '-' to remove -m, --input_mode MODE Input preprocessing mode (determines what `self` will be) defaults to -mn (none) -ml line; each line is ingested as a separate string -me enumerator (each_line on STDIN or File) -mb big string; all lines combined into one string -mn none (default); no input preprocessing; self is an Object.new -n, --[no-]noop Do not execute the code (useful with -g); For true: yes, true, y, +; for false: no, false, n -o, --output_format FORMAT Output format, defaults to -on (no output): -oa Amazing Print -oi Inspect -oj JSON -oJ Pretty JSON -om Marshal -on No Output (default) -op Puts -oP Pretty Print -os to_s -oy YAML If 2 letters are provided, 1st is for tty devices, 2nd for block --project-url Outputs project URL on Github, then exits -r, --require REQUIRE(S) Gems and built-in libraries to require, comma separated; ! to clear all, or precede a name with '-' to remove -v, --version Prints version and exits --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In many cases you will need to enclose your source code in single or double quotes. If source code is not specified, it will default to 'self', which is most likely useful only in a filter mode (-ml, -me, -mb). If there is a .rexerc file in your home directory, it will be run as Ruby code before processing the input. If there is a REXE_OPTIONS environment variable, its content will be prepended to the command line so that you can specify options implicitly (e.g. `export REXE_OPTIONS="-r amazing_print,yaml"`) HEREDOC @help_text.freeze end @help_text end # File file input mode; detects the input mode (JSON, YAML, or None) from the extension. private def autodetect_file_format(filespec) extension = File.extname(filespec).downcase if extension == '.json' :json elsif extension == '.yml' || extension == '.yaml' :yaml else :none end end private def open_resource(resource_identifier) command = case (`uname`.chomp) when 'Darwin' 'open' when 'Linux' 'xdg-open' else 'start' end `#{command} #{resource_identifier}` end # Using 'optparse', parses the command line. # Settings go into this instance's properties (see Struct declaration). def parse prepend_environment_options OptionParser.new do |parser| parser.on('-c', '--clear_options', "Clear all previous command line options") do |v| options.clear end parser.on('-f', '--input_file FILESPEC', 'Use this file instead of stdin; autodetects YAML and JSON file extensions') do |v| unless File.exist?(v) raise "File #{v} does not exist." end options.input_filespec = v options.input_format = autodetect_file_format(v) if [:json, :yaml].include?(options.input_format) options.input_mode = :one_big_string end end parser.on('-g', '--log_format FORMAT', 'Log format, logs to stderr, defaults to none (see -o for format options)') do |v| options.log_format = lookups.output_formats[v] if options.log_format.nil? raise("Output mode was '#{v}' but must be one of #{lookups.output_formats.keys}.") end end parser.on("-h", "--help", "Show help") do |_help_requested| puts help_text exit end parser.on('-i', '--input_format FORMAT', 'Mode with which to parse input values (n = none (default), j = JSON, m = Marshal, y = YAML') do |v| options.input_format = lookups.input_formats[v] if options.input_format.nil? raise("Input mode was '#{v}' but must be one of #{lookups.input_formats.keys}.") end end parser.on('-l', '--load RUBY_FILE(S)', 'Ruby file(s) to load, comma separated, or ! to clear') do |v| if v == '!' options.loads.clear else loadfiles = v.split(',').map(&:strip).map { |s| File.expand_path(s) } removes, adds = loadfiles.partition { |filespec| filespec[0] == '-' } existent, nonexistent = adds.partition { |filespec| File.exists?(filespec) } if nonexistent.any? raise("\nDid not find the following files to load: #{nonexistent}\n\n") else existent.each { |filespec| options.loads << filespec } end removes.each { |filespec| options.loads -= [filespec[1..-1]] } end end parser.on('-m', '--input_mode MODE', 'Mode with which to handle input (-ml, -me, -mb, -mn (default)') do |v| options.input_mode = lookups.input_modes[v] if options.input_mode.nil? raise("Input mode was '#{v}' but must be one of #{lookups.input_modes.keys}.") end end # See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54576873/ruby-optionparser-short-code-for-boolean-option # for an excellent explanation of this optparse incantation. # According to the answer, valid options are: # -n no, -n yes, -n false, -n true, -n n, -n y, -n +, but not -n -. parser.on('-n', '--[no-]noop [FLAG]', TrueClass, "Do not execute the code (useful with -g)") do |v| options.noop = (v.nil? ? true : v) end parser.on('-o', '--output_format FORMAT', 'Mode with which to format values for output (`-o` + [aijJmnpsy])') do |v| options.output_format_tty = lookups.output_formats[v[0]] options.output_format_block = lookups.output_formats[v[-1]] options.output_format = ($stdout.tty? ? options.output_format_tty : options.output_format_block) if [options.output_format_tty, options.output_format_block].include?(nil) raise("Bad output mode '#{v}'; each must be one of #{lookups.output_formats.keys}.") end end parser.on('-r', '--require REQUIRE(S)', 'Gems and built-in libraries (e.g. shellwords, yaml) to require, comma separated, or ! to clear') do |v| if v == '!' options.requires.clear else v.split(',').map(&:strip).each do |r| if r[0] == '-' options.requires -= [r[1..-1]] else options.requires << r end end end end parser.on('-v', '--version', 'Print version') do puts VERSION exit(0) end # Undocumented feature: open Github project with default web browser on a Mac parser.on('', '--open-project') do open_resource(PROJECT_URL) exit(0) end parser.on('', '--project-url') do puts PROJECT_URL exit(0) end end.parse! # We want to do this after all options have been processed because we don't want any clearing of the # options (by '-c', etc.) to result in exclusion of these needed requires. add_format_requires_to_requires_list options.requires = options.requires.sort.uniq options.loads.uniq! options end end class Main include Helpers attr_reader :callable, :input_parser, :lookups, :options, :output_formatter, :log_formatter, :start_time, :user_source_code def initialize @lookups = Lookups.new @start_time = DateTime.now end private def load_global_config_if_exists filespec = File.join(Dir.home, '.rexerc') load(filespec) if File.exists?(filespec) end private def init_parser_and_formatters @input_parser = lookups.input_parsers[options.input_format] @output_formatter = lookups.formatters[options.output_format] @log_formatter = lookups.formatters[options.log_format] end # Executes the user specified code in the manner appropriate to the input mode. # Performs any optionally specified parsing on input and formatting on output. private def execute(eval_context_object, code) if options.input_format != :none && options.input_mode != :none eval_context_object = input_parser.(eval_context_object) end value = eval_context_object.instance_eval(&code) unless options.output_format == :none print output_formatter.(value) end rescue Errno::EPIPE exit(-13) end # The global $RC (Rexe Context) OpenStruct is available in your user code. # In order to make it possible to access this object in your loaded files, we are not creating # it here; instead we add properties to it. This way, you can initialize an OpenStruct yourself # in your loaded code and it will still work. If you do that, beware, any properties you add will be # included in the log output. If the to_s of your added objects is large, that might be a pain. private def init_rexe_context $RC ||= OpenStruct.new $RC.count = 0 $RC.rexe_version = VERSION $RC.start_time = start_time.iso8601 $RC.source_code = user_source_code $RC.options = options.to_h def $RC.i; count end # `i` aliases `count` so you can more concisely get the count in your user code end private def create_callable eval("Proc.new { #{user_source_code} }") end private def lookup_action(mode) input = options.input_filespec ? File.open(options.input_filespec) : STDIN { line: -> { input.each { |l| execute(l.chomp, callable); $RC.count += 1 } }, enumerator: -> { execute(input.each_line, callable); $RC.count += 1 }, one_big_string: -> { big_string = input.read; execute(big_string, callable); $RC.count += 1 }, none: -> { execute(Object.new, callable) } }.fetch(mode) end private def output_log_entry if options.log_format != :none $RC.duration_secs = Time.now - start_time.to_time STDERR.puts(log_formatter.($RC.to_h)) end end # Bypasses Bundler's restriction on loading gems # (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55144094/bundler-doesnt-permit-using-gems-in-project-home-directory) private def require!(the_require) begin require the_require rescue LoadError => error gem_path = `gem which #{the_require}` if gem_path.chomp.strip.empty? raise error # re-raise the error, can't fix it else load_dir = File.dirname(gem_path) $LOAD_PATH += load_dir require the_require end end end # This class' entry point. def call try do @options = CommandLineParser.new.parse options.requires.each { |r| require!(r) } load_global_config_if_exists options.loads.each { |file| load(file) } @user_source_code = ARGV.join(' ') @user_source_code = 'self' if @user_source_code == '' @callable = create_callable init_rexe_context init_parser_and_formatters # This is where the user's source code will be executed; the action will in turn call `execute`. lookup_action(options.input_mode).call unless options.noop output_log_entry end end end end def bundler_run(&block) # This used to be an unconditional call to with_clean_env but that method is now deprecated: # [DEPRECATED] `Bundler.with_clean_env` has been deprecated in favor of `Bundler.with_unbundled_env`. # If you instead want the environment before bundler was originally loaded, # use `Bundler.with_original_env` if Bundler.respond_to?(:with_unbundled_env) Bundler.with_unbundled_env { block.call } else Bundler.with_clean_env { block.call } end end bundler_run { Rexe::Main.new.call }