require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) $extmk = false require 'rbconfig' OBJDIR ||= File.expand_path("../../../ext/#{RUBY_NAME}/#{RUBY_VERSION}", __FILE__) mkdir_p(OBJDIR) def extension_path File.expand_path("../ext", __FILE__) end def object_path OBJDIR end def compile_extension(name) preloadenv = RbConfig::CONFIG["PRELOADENV"] || "LD_PRELOAD" preload, ENV[preloadenv] = ENV[preloadenv], nil if preloadenv path = extension_path objdir = object_path # TODO use rakelib/ext_helper.rb? arch_hdrdir = nil if RUBY_NAME == 'rbx' hdrdir = RbConfig::CONFIG["rubyhdrdir"] elsif RUBY_NAME =~ /^ruby/ hdrdir = RbConfig::CONFIG["rubyhdrdir"] arch_hdrdir = RbConfig::CONFIG["rubyarchhdrdir"] elsif RUBY_NAME == 'jruby' require 'mkmf' hdrdir = $hdrdir elsif RUBY_NAME == "maglev" require 'mkmf' hdrdir = $hdrdir elsif RUBY_NAME == 'truffleruby' return compile_truffleruby_extconf_make(name, path, objdir) else raise "Don't know how to build C extensions with #{RUBY_NAME}" end ext = "#{name}_spec" source = File.join(path, "#{ext}.c") obj = File.join(objdir, "#{ext}.#{RbConfig::CONFIG['OBJEXT']}") lib = File.join(objdir, "#{ext}.#{RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT']}") ruby_header = File.join(hdrdir, "ruby.h") rubyspec_header = File.join(path, "rubyspec.h") return lib if File.exist?(lib) and File.mtime(lib) > File.mtime(source) and File.mtime(lib) > File.mtime(ruby_header) and File.mtime(lib) > File.mtime(rubyspec_header) and true # sentinel # avoid problems where compilation failed but previous shlib exists File.delete lib if File.exist? lib cc = RbConfig::CONFIG["CC"] cflags = (ENV["CFLAGS"] || RbConfig::CONFIG["CFLAGS"]).dup cflags += " #{RbConfig::CONFIG["ARCH_FLAG"]}" if RbConfig::CONFIG["ARCH_FLAG"] cflags += " #{RbConfig::CONFIG["CCDLFLAGS"]}" if RbConfig::CONFIG["CCDLFLAGS"] cppflags = (ENV["CPPFLAGS"] || RbConfig::CONFIG["CPPFLAGS"]).dup incflags = "-I#{path}" incflags << " -I#{arch_hdrdir}" if arch_hdrdir incflags << " -I#{hdrdir}" csrcflag = RbConfig::CONFIG["CSRCFLAG"] coutflag = RbConfig::CONFIG["COUTFLAG"] compile_cmd = "#{cc} #{incflags} #{cflags} #{cppflags} #{coutflag}#{obj} -c #{csrcflag}#{source}" output = `#{compile_cmd}` unless $?.success? and File.exist?(obj) puts "\nERROR:\n#{compile_cmd}\n#{output}" puts "incflags=#{incflags}" puts "cflags=#{cflags}" puts "cppflags=#{cppflags}" raise "Unable to compile \"#{source}\"" end ldshared = RbConfig::CONFIG["LDSHARED"] ldshared += " #{RbConfig::CONFIG["ARCH_FLAG"]}" if RbConfig::CONFIG["ARCH_FLAG"] libs = RbConfig::CONFIG["LIBS"] dldflags = "#{RbConfig::CONFIG["LDFLAGS"]} #{RbConfig::CONFIG["DLDFLAGS"]} #{RbConfig::CONFIG["EXTDLDFLAGS"]}" dldflags.sub!(/-Wl,-soname,\S+/, '') if /mswin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM dldflags.sub!("$(LIBPATH)", RbConfig::CONFIG["LIBPATHFLAG"] % path) libs += RbConfig::CONFIG["LIBRUBY"] outflag = RbConfig::CONFIG["OUTFLAG"] link_cmd = "#{ldshared} #{outflag}#{lib} #{obj} #{libs} -link #{dldflags} /export:Init_#{ext}" else libpath = "-L#{path}" dldflags.sub!("$(TARGET_ENTRY)", "Init_#{ext}") link_cmd = "#{ldshared} #{obj} #{libpath} #{dldflags} #{libs} -o #{lib}" end output = `#{link_cmd}` unless $?.success? puts "\nERROR:\n#{link_cmd}\n#{output}" raise "Unable to link \"#{source}\"" end lib ensure ENV[preloadenv] = preload if preloadenv end def compile_truffleruby_extconf_make(name, path, objdir) ext = "#{name}_spec" file = "#{ext}.c" source = "#{path}/#{ext}.c" lib = "#{objdir}/#{ext}.#{RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT']}" # Copy needed source files to tmpdir tmpdir = tmp("cext_#{name}") Dir.mkdir tmpdir begin ["rubyspec.h", "truffleruby.h", "#{ext}.c"].each do |file| cp "#{path}/#{file}", "#{tmpdir}/#{file}" end Dir.chdir(tmpdir) do required = require 'mkmf' # Reinitialize mkmf if already required init_mkmf unless required create_makefile(ext, tmpdir) system "make" copy_exts = RbConfig::CONFIG.values_at('OBJEXT', 'DLEXT') Dir.glob("*.{#{copy_exts.join(',')}}") do |file| cp file, "#{objdir}/#{file}" end end ensure rm_r tmpdir end lib end def load_extension(name) require compile_extension(name) rescue LoadError if %r{/usr/sbin/execerror ruby "\(ld 3 1 main ([/a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+_spec\.so)"} =~ $!.message system('/usr/sbin/execerror', "#{RbConfig::CONFIG["bindir"]}/ruby", "(ld 3 1 main #{$1}") end raise end # Constants CAPI_SIZEOF_LONG = [0].pack('l!').size