require File.expand_path('../../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../fixtures/server', __FILE__) # TODO: Add specs for using the SOCKSSocket describe "Net::FTP#connect" do before :each do @server = @server.serve_once @ftp = end after :each do @server.connect_message = nil @ftp.quit rescue nil @ftp.close @server.stop end it "tries to connect to the FTP Server on the given host and port" do lambda { @ftp.connect(@server.hostname, @server.server_port) }.should_not raise_error end it "returns nil" do @ftp.connect(@server.hostname, @server.server_port).should be_nil end it "prints a small debug line when in debug mode" do @ftp.debug_mode = true lambda { @ftp.connect(@server.hostname, @server.server_port) }.should output(/#{"connect: "}#{@server.hostname}#{", "}#{@server.server_port}#{"\\nget: 220 Dummy FTP Server ready!"}/) @ftp.debug_mode = false end it "does not raise any error when the response code is 220" do @server.connect_message = "220 Dummy FTP Server ready!" lambda { @ftp.connect(@server.hostname, @server.server_port) }.should_not raise_error end it "raises a Net::FTPReplyError when the response code is 120" do @server.connect_message = "120 Service ready in nnn minutes." lambda { @ftp.connect(@server.hostname, @server.server_port) }.should raise_error(Net::FTPReplyError) end it "raises a Net::FTPTempError when the response code is 421" do @server.connect_message = "421 Service not available, closing control connection." lambda { @ftp.connect(@server.hostname, @server.server_port) }.should raise_error(Net::FTPTempError) end end