require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require 'csv' require 'tempfile' describe "CSV.generate" do it "returns CSV string" do csv_str = CSV.generate do |csv| csv.add_row [1, 2, 3] csv << [4, 5, 6] end csv_str.should == "1,2,3\n4,5,6\n" end it "accepts a col separator" do csv_str = CSV.generate(col_sep: ";") do |csv| csv.add_row [1, 2, 3] csv << [4, 5, 6] end csv_str.should == "1;2;3\n4;5;6\n" end it "appends and returns the argument itself" do str = "" csv_str = CSV.generate(str) do |csv| csv.add_row [1, 2, 3] csv << [4, 5, 6] end csv_str.object_id.should == str.object_id str.should == "1,2,3\n4,5,6\n" end end