require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes.rb', __FILE__) # src.scan(/[+-]?[\d_]+\.[\d_]+(e[+-]?[\d_]+)?\b|[+-]?[\d_]+e[+-]?[\d_]+\b/i) describe "String#to_f" do it "treats leading characters of self as a floating point number" do "123.45e1".to_f.should == 1234.5 "45.67 degrees".to_f.should == 45.67 "0".to_f.should == 0.0 "123.45e1".to_f.should == 1234.5 ".5".to_f.should == 0.5 ".5e1".to_f.should == 5.0 "5e".to_f.should == 5.0 "5E".to_f.should == 5.0 end it "treats special float value strings as characters" do "NaN".to_f.should == 0 "Infinity".to_f.should == 0 "-Infinity".to_f.should == 0 end it "allows for varying case" do "123.45e1".to_f.should == 1234.5 "123.45E1".to_f.should == 1234.5 end it "allows for varying signs" do "+123.45e1".to_f.should == +123.45e1 "-123.45e1".to_f.should == -123.45e1 "123.45e+1".to_f.should == 123.45e+1 "123.45e-1".to_f.should == 123.45e-1 "+123.45e+1".to_f.should == +123.45e+1 "+123.45e-1".to_f.should == +123.45e-1 "-123.45e+1".to_f.should == -123.45e+1 "-123.45e-1".to_f.should == -123.45e-1 end it "allows for underscores, even in the decimal side" do "1_234_567.890_1".to_f.should == 1_234_567.890_1 end it "returns 0 for strings with any non-digit in them" do "blah".to_f.should == 0 "0b5".to_f.should == 0 "0d5".to_f.should == 0 "0o5".to_f.should == 0 "0xx5".to_f.should == 0 end it "returns 0 for strings with leading underscores" do "_9".to_f.should == 0 end it "takes an optional sign" do "-45.67 degrees".to_f.should == -45.67 "+45.67 degrees".to_f.should == 45.67 "-5_5e-5_0".to_f.should == -55e-50 "-".to_f.should == 0.0 (1.0 / "-0".to_f).to_s.should == "-Infinity" end it "returns 0.0 if the conversion fails" do "bad".to_f.should == 0.0 "thx1138".to_f.should == 0.0 end end