require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__) describe "Kernel#warn" do before :each do @before_verbose = $VERBOSE @before_separator = $/ end after :each do $VERBOSE = @before_verbose $/ = @before_separator end it "is a private method" do Kernel.should have_private_instance_method(:warn) end it "requires multiple arguments" do Kernel.method(:warn).arity.should < 0 end it "does not append line-end if last character is line-end" do lambda { $VERBOSE = true warn("this is some simple text with line-end\n") }.should output(nil, "this is some simple text with line-end\n") end it "calls #write on $stderr if $VERBOSE is true" do lambda { $VERBOSE = true warn("this is some simple text") }.should output(nil, "this is some simple text\n") end it "calls #write on $stderr if $VERBOSE is false" do lambda { $VERBOSE = false warn("this is some simple text") }.should output(nil, "this is some simple text\n") end it "does not call #write on $stderr if $VERBOSE is nil" do lambda { $VERBOSE = nil warn("this is some simple text") }.should output(nil, "") end it "writes each argument on a line when passed multiple arguments" do lambda { $VERBOSE = true warn("line 1", "line 2") }.should output(nil, "line 1\nline 2\n") end it "writes each array element on a line when passes an array" do lambda { $VERBOSE = true warn(["line 1", "line 2"]) }.should output(nil, "line 1\nline 2\n") end it "does not write strings when passed no arguments" do lambda { $VERBOSE = true warn }.should output("", "") end it "writes the default record separator and NOT $/ to $stderr after the warning message" do lambda { $VERBOSE = true $/ = 'rs' warn("") }.should output(nil, /\n/) end end