require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__) module KernelSpecs::M def self.extend_object(o) ScratchPad << "extend_object" super end def self.extended(o) ScratchPad << "extended" super end def self.append_features(o) ScratchPad << "append_features" super end end describe "Kernel#extend" do before :each do ScratchPad.record [] end it "requires multiple arguments" do < 0 end it "calls extend_object on argument" do o = mock('o') o.extend KernelSpecs::M ScratchPad.recorded.include?("extend_object").should == true end it "does not calls append_features on arguments metaclass" do o = mock('o') o.extend KernelSpecs::M ScratchPad.recorded.include?("append_features").should == false end it "calls extended on argument" do o = mock('o') o.extend KernelSpecs::M ScratchPad.recorded.include?("extended").should == true end it "makes the class a kind_of? the argument" do class C extend KernelSpecs::M end (C.kind_of? KernelSpecs::M).should == true end it "raises an ArgumentError when no arguments given" do lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises a TypeError when the argument is not a Module" do o = mock('o') klass = lambda { o.extend(klass) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end describe "on frozen instance" do before :each do @frozen = @module = KernelSpecs::M end it "raises an ArgumentError when no arguments given" do lambda { @frozen.extend }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises a RuntimeError" do lambda { @frozen.extend @module }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end