require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe "ARGF.lineno" do before :each do @file1 = fixture __FILE__, "file1.txt" @file2 = fixture __FILE__, "file2.txt" end # NOTE: this test assumes that fixtures files have two lines each # TODO: break this into four specs it "returns the current line number on each file" do argf [@file1, @file2] do @argf.lineno = 0 @argf.gets @argf.lineno.should == 1 @argf.gets @argf.lineno.should == 2 @argf.gets @argf.lineno.should == 3 @argf.gets @argf.lineno.should == 4 end end it "aliases to $." do script = fixture __FILE__, "lineno.rb" out = ruby_exe(script, args: [@file1, @file2]) out.should == "0\n1\n2\n" end end