require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe 'The -S command line option' do before :each do @path = [ENV['PATH'], fixture(__FILE__, "bin")].join(':') end platform_is_not :windows do # On VirtualBox shared directory (vboxsf) all files are world writable # and MRI shows warning when including world writable path in ENV['PATH']. # This is why we are using /success$/ matching in the following cases. it "runs launcher found in PATH, but only code after the first /\#!.*ruby.*/-ish line in target file" do result = ruby_exe(nil, options: '-S', env: { 'PATH' => @path }, args: '2>&1') result.should =~ /success$/ end it "runs launcher found in PATH" do result = ruby_exe(nil, options: '-S launcher.rb', env: { 'PATH' => @path }, args: '2>&1') result.should =~ /success$/ end end end