require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'bigdecimal' describe :rational_coerce, shared: true do it "returns the passed argument, self as Float, when given a Float" do result = Rational(3, 4).coerce(1.0) result.should == [1.0, 0.75] result.first.is_a?(Float).should be_true result.last.is_a?(Float).should be_true end it "returns the passed argument, self as Rational, when given an Integer" do result = Rational(3, 4).coerce(10) result.should == [Rational(10, 1), Rational(3, 4)] result.first.is_a?(Rational).should be_true result.last.is_a?(Rational).should be_true end it "coerces to Rational, when given a Complex" do Rational(3, 4).coerce(Complex(5)).should == [Rational(5, 1), Rational(3, 4)] Rational(12, 4).coerce(Complex(5, 1)).should == [Complex(5, 1), Complex(3)] end it "returns [argument, self] when given a Rational" do Rational(3, 7).coerce(Rational(9, 2)).should == [Rational(9, 2), Rational(3, 7)] end it "raises an error when passed a BigDecimal" do -> { Rational(500, 3).coerce(BigDecimal('166.666666666')) }.should raise_error(TypeError, /BigDecimal can't be coerced into Rational/) end end