describe :file_executable_real, shared: true do before :each do @file1 = tmp('temp1.txt.exe') @file2 = tmp('temp2.txt') touch @file1 touch @file2 File.chmod(0755, @file1) end after :each do rm_r @file1, @file2 end platform_is_not :windows do it "returns true if the file its an executable" do @object.send(@method, @file1).should == true @object.send(@method, @file2).should == false end it "accepts an object that has a #to_path method" do @object.send(@method, mock_to_path(@file1)).should == true end end it "returns true if named file is readable by the real user id of the process, otherwise false" do @object.send(@method, @file1).should == true end it "raises an ArgumentError if not passed one argument" do -> { @object.send(@method) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises a TypeError if not passed a String type" do -> { @object.send(@method, 1) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { @object.send(@method, nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { @object.send(@method, false) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end platform_is_not :windows do as_real_superuser do context "when run by a real superuser" do before :each do @file = tmp('temp3.txt') touch @file end after :each do rm_r @file end it "returns true if file owner has permission to execute" do File.chmod(0766, @file) @object.send(@method, @file).should == true end it "returns true if group has permission to execute" do File.chmod(0676, @file) @object.send(@method, @file).should == true end it "returns true if other have permission to execute" do File.chmod(0667, @file) @object.send(@method, @file).should == true end it "return false if nobody has permission to execute" do File.chmod(0666, @file) @object.send(@method, @file).should == false end end end end end describe :file_executable_real_missing, shared: true do it "returns false if the file does not exist" do @object.send(@method, 'fake_file').should == false end end