require_relative '../spec_helper' describe :resists_cve_2011_4815, shared: true do it "resists CVE-2011-4815 by having different hash codes in different processes" do eval("(#{@method}).hash.to_s").should_not == ruby_exe("print (#{@method}).hash") end end describe "Object#hash" do it_behaves_like :resists_cve_2011_4815, '' end describe "Integer#hash with a small value" do it_behaves_like :resists_cve_2011_4815, '14' end describe "Integer#hash with a large value" do it_behaves_like :resists_cve_2011_4815, '100000000000000000000000000000' end describe "Float#hash" do it_behaves_like :resists_cve_2011_4815, '3.14' end # guard_not -> { platform_is :windows and PlatformGuard.implementation?(:ruby) } do describe "Rational#hash" do it_behaves_like :resists_cve_2011_4815, 'Rational(1, 2)' end describe "Complex#hash" do it_behaves_like :resists_cve_2011_4815, 'Complex(1, 2)' end end describe "String#hash" do it_behaves_like :resists_cve_2011_4815, '"abc"' end describe "Symbol#hash" do ruby_bug "#13376", "2.3.0"..."2.3.4" do it_behaves_like :resists_cve_2011_4815, ':a' end end describe "Array#hash" do it_behaves_like :resists_cve_2011_4815, '[1, 2, 3]' end describe "Hash#hash" do it_behaves_like :resists_cve_2011_4815, '{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}' end