describe :syslog_log, shared: true do platform_is_not :windows, :darwin, :solaris, :aix, :android do before :each do Syslog.opened?.should be_false end after :each do Syslog.opened?.should be_false end it "logs a message" do -> {"rubyspec", Syslog::LOG_PERROR) do Syslog.send(@method, "Hello") end }.should output_to_fd(/\Arubyspec(?::| \d+ - -) Hello\n\z/, $stderr) end it "accepts sprintf arguments" do -> {"rubyspec", Syslog::LOG_PERROR) do Syslog.send(@method, "Hello %s", "world") Syslog.send(@method, "%d dogs", 2) end }.should output_to_fd(/\Arubyspec(?::| \d+ - -) Hello world\nrubyspec(?::| \d+ - -) 2 dogs\n\z/, $stderr) end it "works as an alias for Syslog.log" do level = Syslog.const_get "LOG_#{@method.to_s.upcase}" -> {"rubyspec", Syslog::LOG_PERROR) do Syslog.send(@method, "Hello") Syslog.log(level, "Hello") end # make sure the same thing is written to $stderr. }.should output_to_fd(/\A(?:rubyspec(?::| \d+ - -) Hello\n){2}\z/, $stderr) end end end