require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'strscan' describe "StringScanner#scan" do before :each do @s ="This is a test") end it "returns the matched string" do @s.scan(/\w+/).should == "This" @s.scan(/.../).should == " is" @s.scan(//).should == "" @s.scan(/\s+/).should == " " end it "treats ^ as matching from the beginning of the current position" do @s.scan(/\w+/).should == "This" @s.scan(/^\d/).should be_nil @s.scan(/^\s/).should == " " end it "treats ^ as matching from the beginning of the current position when it's not the first character in the regexp" do @s.scan(/\w+/).should == "This" @s.scan(/( is not|^ is a)/).should == " is a" end it "treats \\A as matching from the beginning of the current position" do @s.scan(/\w+/).should == "This" @s.scan(/\A\d/).should be_nil @s.scan(/\A\s/).should == " " end it "treats \\A as matching from the beginning of the current position when it's not the first character in the regexp" do @s.scan(/\w+/).should == "This" @s.scan(/( is not|\A is a)/).should == " is a" end it "returns nil if there's no match" do @s.scan(/\d/).should == nil end it "returns nil when there is no more to scan" do @s.scan(/[\w\s]+/).should == "This is a test" @s.scan(/\w+/).should be_nil end it "returns an empty string when the pattern matches empty" do @s.scan(/.*/).should == "This is a test" @s.scan(/.*/).should == "" @s.scan(/./).should be_nil end it "treats String as the pattern itself" do @s.scan("this").should be_nil @s.scan("This").should == "This" end it "raises a TypeError if pattern isn't a Regexp nor String" do -> { @s.scan(5) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { @s.scan(:test) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { @s.scan(mock('x')) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "StringScanner#scan with fixed_anchor: true" do before :each do @s ="This\nis\na\ntest", fixed_anchor: true) end it "returns the matched string" do @s.scan(/\w+/).should == "This" @s.scan(/.../m).should == "\nis" @s.scan(//).should == "" @s.scan(/\s+/).should == "\n" end it "treats ^ as matching from the beginning of line" do @s.scan(/\w+\n/).should == "This\n" @s.scan(/^\w/).should == "i" @s.scan(/^\w/).should be_nil end it "treats \\A as matching from the beginning of string" do @s.scan(/\A\w/).should == "T" @s.scan(/\A\w/).should be_nil end end