describe :stringio_write, shared: true do before :each do @io ='12345') end it "tries to convert the passed Object to a String using #to_s" do obj = mock("to_s") obj.should_receive(:to_s).and_return("to_s") @io.send(@method, obj) @io.string.should == "to_s5" end end describe :stringio_write_string, shared: true do before :each do @io ='12345') end # TODO: RDoc says that #write appends at the current position. it "writes the passed String at the current buffer position" do @io.pos = 2 @io.send(@method, 'x').should == 1 @io.string.should == '12x45' @io.send(@method, 7).should == 1 @io.string.should == '12x75' end it "pads self with \\000 when the current position is after the end" do @io.pos = 8 @io.send(@method, 'x') @io.string.should == "12345\000\000\000x" @io.send(@method, 9) @io.string.should == "12345\000\000\000x9" end it "returns the number of bytes written" do @io.send(@method, '').should == 0 @io.send(@method, nil).should == 0 str = "1" * 100 @io.send(@method, str).should == 100 end it "updates self's position" do @io.send(@method, 'test') @io.pos.should eql(4) end it "handles concurrent writes correctly" do @io = n = 8 go = false threads = { |i| { Thread.pass until go @io.write i.to_s } } go = true threads.each(&:join) @io.string.size.should == end it "handles writing non-ASCII UTF-8 after seek" do @io.binmode @io << "\x80" @io.pos = 0 @io << "\x81" @io.string.should == "\x812345".b end it "handles writing with position < buffer size" do @io.pos = 2 @io.write "abc" @io.string.should == "12abc" @io.pos = 2 @io.write "de" @io.string.should == "12dec" @io.pos = 2 @io.write "fghi" @io.string.should == "12fghi" end it "transcodes the given string when the external encoding is set and neither is BINARY" do utf8_str = "hello" io = io.external_encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_16BE io.send(@method, utf8_str) expected = [0, 104, 0, 101, 0, 108, 0, 108, 0, 111] # UTF-16BE bytes for "hello" io.string.bytes.should == expected end it "does not transcode the given string when the external encoding is set and the string encoding is BINARY" do str = "été".b io = io.external_encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_16BE io.send(@method, str) io.string.bytes.should == str.bytes end end describe :stringio_write_not_writable, shared: true do it "raises an IOError" do io ="test", "r") -> { io.send(@method, "test") }.should raise_error(IOError) io ="test") io.close_write -> { io.send(@method, "test") }.should raise_error(IOError) end end describe :stringio_write_append, shared: true do before :each do @io ="example", "a") end it "appends the passed argument to the end of self" do @io.send(@method, ", just testing") @io.string.should == "example, just testing" @io.send(@method, " and more testing") @io.string.should == "example, just testing and more testing" end it "correctly updates self's position" do @io.send(@method, ", testing") @io.pos.should eql(16) end end