require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'stringio' bug_guard = do self::VERSION = StringIO.const_defined?(:VERSION) ? StringIO::VERSION : "0.0.2" def initialize(bug, version) @bug = bug super(version) @parameters = [bug, version] end def match? version = self.class::VERSION if Range === @version @version.include? version else version >= @version end end def self.against(*args, &block) new(*args).run_unless(:stringio_version_is, &block) end end describe "StringIO#initialize when passed [Object, mode]" do before :each do @io = StringIO.allocate end it "uses the passed Object as the StringIO backend" do @io.send(:initialize, str = "example", "r") @io.string.should equal(str) end it "sets the mode based on the passed mode" do io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", "r") io.closed_read?.should be_false io.closed_write?.should be_true io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", "rb") io.closed_read?.should be_false io.closed_write?.should be_true io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", "r+") io.closed_read?.should be_false io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", "rb+") io.closed_read?.should be_false io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", "w") io.closed_read?.should be_true io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", "wb") io.closed_read?.should be_true io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", "w+") io.closed_read?.should be_false io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", "wb+") io.closed_read?.should be_false io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", "a") io.closed_read?.should be_true io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", "ab") io.closed_read?.should be_true io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", "a+") io.closed_read?.should be_false io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", "ab+") io.closed_read?.should be_false io.closed_write?.should be_false end it "allows passing the mode as an Integer" do io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", IO::RDONLY) io.closed_read?.should be_false io.closed_write?.should be_true io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", IO::RDWR) io.closed_read?.should be_false io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", IO::WRONLY) io.closed_read?.should be_true io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", IO::WRONLY | IO::TRUNC) io.closed_read?.should be_true io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", IO::RDWR | IO::TRUNC) io.closed_read?.should be_false io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", IO::WRONLY | IO::APPEND) io.closed_read?.should be_true io.closed_write?.should be_false io = StringIO.allocate io.send(:initialize, "example", IO::RDWR | IO::APPEND) io.closed_read?.should be_false io.closed_write?.should be_false end it "raises a #{frozen_error_class} when passed a frozen String in truncate mode as StringIO backend" do io = StringIO.allocate -> { io.send(:initialize, "example".freeze, IO::TRUNC) }.should raise_error(frozen_error_class) end it "tries to convert the passed mode to a String using #to_str" do obj = mock('to_str') obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("r") @io.send(:initialize, "example", obj) @io.closed_read?.should be_false @io.closed_write?.should be_true end it "raises an Errno::EACCES error when passed a frozen string with a write-mode" do (str = "example").freeze -> { @io.send(:initialize, str, "r+") }.should raise_error(Errno::EACCES) -> { @io.send(:initialize, str, "w") }.should raise_error(Errno::EACCES) -> { @io.send(:initialize, str, "a") }.should raise_error(Errno::EACCES) end end describe "StringIO#initialize when passed [Object]" do before :each do @io = StringIO.allocate end it "uses the passed Object as the StringIO backend" do @io.send(:initialize, str = "example") @io.string.should equal(str) end it "sets the mode to read-write" do @io.send(:initialize, "example") @io.closed_read?.should be_false @io.closed_write?.should be_false end it "tries to convert the passed Object to a String using #to_str" do obj = mock('to_str') obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("example") @io.send(:initialize, obj) @io.string.should == "example" end it "automatically sets the mode to read-only when passed a frozen string" do (str = "example").freeze @io.send(:initialize, str) @io.closed_read?.should be_false @io.closed_write?.should be_true end end describe "StringIO#initialize when passed no arguments" do before :each do @io = StringIO.allocate end it "is private" do StringIO.should have_private_instance_method(:initialize) end it "sets the mode to read-write" do @io.send(:initialize, "example") @io.closed_read?.should be_false @io.closed_write?.should be_false end it "uses an empty String as the StringIO backend" do @io.send(:initialize) @io.string.should == "" end end describe "StringIO#initialize sets the encoding to" do before :each do @external = Encoding.default_external @internal = Encoding.default_internal Encoding.default_external = Encoding::ISO_8859_2 Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::ISO_8859_2 end after :each do Encoding.default_external = @external Encoding.default_internal = @internal end it "Encoding.default_external when passed no arguments" do io = io.external_encoding.should == Encoding::ISO_8859_2 io.string.encoding.should == Encoding::ISO_8859_2 end it "the same as the encoding of the String when passed a String" do s = ''.force_encoding(Encoding::EUC_JP) io = bug_guard.against("[Bug #16497]", "0.0.3"..."0.1.1") do io.external_encoding.should == Encoding::EUC_JP end io.string.encoding.should == Encoding::EUC_JP end end