require_relative '../spec_helper' require_relative '../fixtures/classes' describe "UDPSocket#bind" do before :each do @socket = end after :each do @socket.close unless @socket.closed? end it "binds the socket to a port" do @socket.bind(SocketSpecs.hostname, 0) @socket.addr[1].should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "raises Errno::EINVAL when already bound" do @socket.bind(SocketSpecs.hostname, 0) -> { @socket.bind(SocketSpecs.hostname, @socket.addr[1]) }.should raise_error(Errno::EINVAL) end it "receives a hostname and a port" do @socket.bind(SocketSpecs.hostname, 0) port, host = Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(@socket.getsockname) host.should == "" port.should == @socket.addr[1] end it "binds to INADDR_ANY if the hostname is empty" do @socket.bind("", 0).should == 0 port, host = Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(@socket.getsockname) host.should == "" port.should == @socket.addr[1] end end describe 'UDPSocket#bind' do SocketSpecs.each_ip_protocol do |family, ip_address| before do @socket = end after do @socket.close end it 'binds to an address and port' do @socket.bind(ip_address, 0).should == 0 @socket.local_address.ip_address.should == ip_address @socket.local_address.ip_port.should > 0 end it 'binds to an address and port using String arguments' do @socket.bind(ip_address, '0').should == 0 @socket.local_address.ip_address.should == ip_address @socket.local_address.ip_port.should > 0 end it 'can receive data after being bound to an address' do @socket.bind(ip_address, 0) addr = @socket.connect_address client = client.connect(addr.ip_address, addr.ip_port) client.write('hello') begin @socket.recv(6).should == 'hello' ensure client.close end end end end