require_relative '../spec_helper' platform_is_not :aix, :"solaris2.10" do describe 'Socket.getifaddrs' do before do @ifaddrs = Socket.getifaddrs end it 'returns an Array' do @ifaddrs.should be_an_instance_of(Array) end describe 'the returned Array' do it 'should not be empty' do @ifaddrs.should_not be_empty end it 'contains instances of Socket::Ifaddr' do @ifaddrs.each do |ifaddr| ifaddr.should be_an_instance_of(Socket::Ifaddr) end end end describe 'each returned Socket::Ifaddr' do it 'has an interface index' do @ifaddrs.each do |ifaddr| ifaddr.ifindex.should be_kind_of(Integer) end end it 'has an interface name' do @ifaddrs.each do |ifaddr| be_an_instance_of(String) end end it 'has a set of flags' do @ifaddrs.each do |ifaddr| ifaddr.flags.should be_kind_of(Integer) end end end describe 'the Socket::Ifaddr address' do before do @addrs = end it 'is an Addrinfo' do @addrs.all? do |addr| addr.should be_an_instance_of(Addrinfo) true end.should be_true end it 'has an address family' do @addrs.all? do |addr| addr.afamily.should be_kind_of(Integer) addr.afamily.should_not == Socket::AF_UNSPEC true end.should be_true end end platform_is_not :windows do describe 'the Socket::Ifaddr broadcast address' do before do @addrs = end it 'is an Addrinfo' do @addrs.all? do |addr| addr.should be_an_instance_of(Addrinfo) true end.should be_true end it 'has an address family' do @addrs.all? do |addr| addr.afamily.should be_kind_of(Integer) addr.afamily.should_not == Socket::AF_UNSPEC true end.should be_true end end describe 'the Socket::Ifaddr netmask address' do before do @addrs = end it 'is an Addrinfo' do @addrs.all? do |addr| addr.should be_an_instance_of(Addrinfo) true end.should be_true end it 'has an address family' do @addrs.all? do |addr| addr.afamily.should be_kind_of(Integer) addr.afamily.should_not == Socket::AF_UNSPEC true end.should be_true end it 'has an IP address' do @addrs.all? do |addr| addr.ip_address.should be_an_instance_of(String) true end.should be_true end end end end end