require_relative '../spec_helper' with_feature :unix_socket do describe 'Addrinfo.unix' do it 'returns an Addrinfo instance' do Addrinfo.unix('socket').should be_an_instance_of(Addrinfo) end it 'sets the IP address' do Addrinfo.unix('socket').unix_path.should == 'socket' end it 'sets the address family' do Addrinfo.unix('socket').afamily.should == Socket::AF_UNIX end it 'sets the protocol family' do Addrinfo.unix('socket').pfamily.should == Socket::PF_UNIX end it 'sets the socket type' do Addrinfo.unix('socket').socktype.should == Socket::SOCK_STREAM end it 'sets a custom socket type' do addr = Addrinfo.unix('socket', Socket::SOCK_DGRAM) addr.socktype.should == Socket::SOCK_DGRAM end it 'sets the socket protocol to 0' do Addrinfo.unix('socket').protocol.should == 0 end end end describe "Addrinfo#unix?" do describe "for an ipv4 socket" do before :each do @addrinfo = Addrinfo.tcp("", 80) end it "returns false" do @addrinfo.unix?.should be_false end end describe "for an ipv6 socket" do before :each do @addrinfo = Addrinfo.tcp("::1", 80) end it "returns false" do @addrinfo.unix?.should be_false end end platform_is_not :windows do describe "for a unix socket" do before :each do @addrinfo = Addrinfo.unix("/tmp/sock") end it "returns true" do @addrinfo.unix?.should be_true end end end end