require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'set' ruby_version_is "3.0" do describe "Set#join" do it "returns an empty string if the Set is empty" do Set[].join.should == '' end it "returns a new string formed by joining elements after conversion" do set = Set[:a, :b, :c] set.join.should == "abc" end it "does not separate elements when the passed separator is nil" do set = Set[:a, :b, :c] set.join(nil).should == "abc" end it "returns a string formed by concatenating each element separated by the separator" do set = Set[:a, :b, :c] set.join(' | ').should == "a | b | c" end it "calls #to_a to convert the Set in to an Array" do set = Set[:a, :b, :c] set.should_receive(:to_a).and_return([:a, :b, :c]) set.join.should == "abc" end end end