require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'set' ruby_version_is "3.0" do describe "Set#<=>" do it "returns 0 if the sets are equal" do (Set[] <=> Set[]).should == 0 (Set[:a, :b, :c] <=> Set[:a, :b, :c]).should == 0 end it "returns -1 if the set is a proper subset of the other set" do (Set[] <=> Set[1]).should == -1 (Set[1, 2] <=> Set[1, 2, 3]).should == -1 end it "returns +1 if the set is a proper superset of other set" do (Set[1] <=> Set[]).should == +1 (Set[1, 2, 3] <=> Set[1, 2]).should == +1 end it "returns nil if the set has unique elements" do (Set[1, 2, 3] <=> Set[:a, :b, :c]).should be_nil end it "returns nil when the argument is not set-like" do (Set[] <=> false).should be_nil end end end