require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'pathname' describe 'Pathname.glob' do before :all do @dir = tmp('pathname_glob') + '/' @file_1 = @dir + 'lib/ipaddr.rb' @file_2 = @dir + 'lib/irb.rb' @file_3 = @dir + 'lib/.hidden.rb' touch @file_1 touch @file_2 touch @file_3 end after :all do rm_r @dir[0...-1] end it 'returns [] for no match' do Pathname.glob(@dir + 'lib/*.js').should == [] end it 'returns matching file paths' do Pathname.glob(@dir + 'lib/*i*.rb').sort.should == [,].sort end it 'returns matching file paths when a flag is provided' do expected = [,,].sort Pathname.glob(@dir + 'lib/*i*.rb', File::FNM_DOTMATCH).sort.should == expected end it 'returns matching file paths when supplied :base keyword argument' do Pathname.glob('*i*.rb', base: @dir + 'lib').sort.should == ['ipaddr.rb'),'irb.rb')].sort end it "raises an ArgumentError when supplied a keyword argument other than :base" do -> { Pathname.glob('*i*.rb', foo: @dir + 'lib') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /unknown keyword: :?foo/) end ruby_version_is ''...'2.7' do it 'raises an ArgumentError when supplied a flag and :base keyword argument' do -> { Pathname.glob(@dir + 'lib/*i*.rb', File::FNM_DOTMATCH, base: 'lib') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 1..2)') end end ruby_version_is "2.7" do it "does not raise an ArgumentError when supplied a flag and :base keyword argument" do expected = ['ipaddr.rb'),'irb.rb'),'.hidden.rb')].sort Pathname.glob('*i*.rb', File::FNM_DOTMATCH, base: @dir + 'lib').sort.should == expected end end end