describe :net_httpheader_set_form_data, shared: true do before :each do @headers = end describe "when passed params" do it "automatically set the 'Content-Type' to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'" do @headers.send(@method, "cmd" => "search", "q" => "ruby", "max" => "50") @headers["Content-Type"].should == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" end it "sets self's body based on the passed form parameters" do @headers.send(@method, "cmd" => "search", "q" => "ruby", "max" => "50") @headers.body.split("&").sort.should == ["cmd=search", "max=50", "q=ruby"] end end describe "when passed params, separator" do it "sets self's body based on the passed form parameters and the passed separator" do @headers.send(@method, {"cmd" => "search", "q" => "ruby", "max" => "50"}, "&") @headers.body.split("&").sort.should == ["cmd=search", "max=50", "q=ruby"] @headers.send(@method, {"cmd" => "search", "q" => "ruby", "max" => "50"}, ";") @headers.body.split(";").sort.should == ["cmd=search", "max=50", "q=ruby"] end end end