require_relative '../../../spec_helper' require 'net/http' require_relative 'fixtures/http_server' describe "Net::HTTP.get" do before :each do NetHTTPSpecs.start_server @port = NetHTTPSpecs.port end after :each do NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server end describe "when passed URI" do it "returns the body of the specified uri" do Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("http://localhost:#{@port}/")).should == "This is the index page." end end describe "when passed host, path, port" do it "returns the body of the specified host-path-combination" do Net::HTTP.get('localhost', "/", @port).should == "This is the index page." end end end quarantine! do # These specs fail frequently with CHECK_LEAKS=true describe "Net::HTTP.get" do describe "when reading gzipped contents" do def start_threads require 'zlib' require 'stringio' server = nil server_thread = do server ="", 0) begin c = server.accept ensure server.close end c.print "HTTP/1.1 200\r\n" c.print "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" c.print "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n" s = z = begin z.write 'Hello World!' ensure z.close end c.print "Content-Length: #{s.length}\r\n\r\n" # Write partial gzip content c.write s.string.byteslice(0..-2) c.flush c end Thread.pass until server && server_thread.stop? client_thread = do Thread.current.report_on_exception = false Net::HTTP.get("", '/', server.connect_address.ip_port) end socket = server_thread.value Thread.pass until client_thread.stop? [socket, client_thread] end it "propagates exceptions interrupting the thread and does not replace it with Zlib::BufError" do my_exception = socket, client_thread = start_threads begin client_thread.raise my_exception, "my exception" -> { client_thread.value }.should raise_error(my_exception) ensure socket.close end end it "lets the kill Thread exception goes through and does not replace it with Zlib::BufError" do socket, client_thread = start_threads begin client_thread.kill client_thread.value.should == nil ensure socket.close end end end end end