require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' require 'matrix' describe "Matrix#empty?" do it "returns true when the Matrix is empty" do Matrix[ ].empty?.should be_true Matrix[ [], [], [] ].empty?.should be_true Matrix[ [], [], [] ].transpose.empty?.should be_true end it "returns false when the Matrix has elements" do Matrix[ [1, 2] ].empty?.should be_false Matrix[ [1], [2] ].empty?.should be_false end it "doesn't accept any parameter" do lambda{ Matrix[ [1, 2] ].empty?(42) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "Matrix.empty" do it "returns an empty matrix of the requested size" do m = Matrix.empty(3, 0) m.row_size.should == 3 m.column_size.should == 0 m = Matrix.empty(0, 3) m.row_size.should == 0 m.column_size.should == 3 end it "has arguments defaulting to 0" do Matrix.empty.should == Matrix.empty(0, 0) Matrix.empty(42).should == Matrix.empty(42, 0) end it "does not accept more than two parameters" do lambda{ Matrix.empty(1, 2, 3) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an error if both dimensions are > 0" do lambda{ Matrix.empty(1, 2) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an error if any dimension is < 0" do lambda{ Matrix.empty(-2, 0) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda{ Matrix.empty(0, -2) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "for a subclass of Matrix" do it "returns an instance of that subclass" do MatrixSub.empty(0, 1).should be_an_instance_of(MatrixSub) end end