require 'date' require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Date#===" do it "returns 0 when comparing two equal dates" do (Date.civil(2000, 04, 06) <=> Date.civil(2000, 04, 06)).should == 0 end it "computes the difference between two dates" do (Date.civil(2000, 04, 05) <=> Date.civil(2000, 04, 06)).should == -1 (Date.civil(2001, 04, 05) <=> Date.civil(2000, 04, 06)).should == 1 end it "compares to another numeric" do (Date.civil(2000, 04, 05) <=> Date.civil(2000, 04, 06).jd).should == -1 (Date.civil(2001, 04, 05) <=> Date.civil(2000, 04, 06).jd).should == 1 end end