require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'thread' describe "ConditionVariable#wait" do it "returns self" do m = cv = in_synchronize = false th = do m.synchronize do in_synchronize = true cv.wait(m).should == cv end end # wait for m to acquire the mutex Thread.pass until in_synchronize # wait until th is sleeping (ie waiting) Thread.pass while th.status and th.status != "sleep" m.synchronize { cv.signal } th.join end it "reacquires the lock even if the thread is killed" do m = cv = in_synchronize = false owned = nil th = do m.synchronize do in_synchronize = true begin cv.wait(m) ensure owned = m.owned? $stderr.puts "\nThe Thread doesn't own the Mutex!" unless owned end end end # wait for m to acquire the mutex Thread.pass until in_synchronize # wait until th is sleeping (ie waiting) Thread.pass while th.status and th.status != "sleep" th.kill th.join owned.should == true end it "reacquires the lock even if the thread is killed after being signaled" do m = cv = in_synchronize = false owned = nil th = do m.synchronize do in_synchronize = true begin cv.wait(m) ensure owned = m.owned? $stderr.puts "\nThe Thread doesn't own the Mutex!" unless owned end end end # wait for m to acquire the mutex Thread.pass until in_synchronize # wait until th is sleeping (ie waiting) Thread.pass while th.status and th.status != "sleep" m.synchronize { cv.signal # Wait that the thread is blocked on acquiring the Mutex sleep 0.001 # Kill the thread, yet the thread should first acquire the Mutex before going on th.kill } th.join owned.should == true end it "supports multiple Threads waiting on the same ConditionVariable and Mutex" do m = cv = n_threads = 4 events = [] threads = { { m.synchronize { events << :t_in_synchronize cv.wait(m) } } } Thread.pass until m.synchronize { events.size } == n_threads Thread.pass while threads.any? { |th| th.status and th.status != "sleep" } m.synchronize do threads.each { |t| # Cause interactions with the waiting threads. # On TruffleRuby, this causes a safepoint which has interesting # interactions with the ConditionVariable. bt = t.backtrace bt.should be_kind_of(Array) bt.size.should >= 2 } end cv.broadcast threads.each(&:join) end end