require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'bigdecimal' describe "BigDecimal#to_r" do it "returns a Rational" do BigDecimal("3.14159").to_r.should be_kind_of(Rational) end it "returns a Rational with bignum values" do r = BigDecimal("3.141592653589793238462643").to_r r.numerator.should eql(3141592653589793238462643) r.denominator.should eql(1000000000000000000000000) end it "returns a Rational from a BigDecimal with an exponent" do r = BigDecimal("1E2").to_r r.numerator.should eql(100) r.denominator.should eql(1) end it "returns a Rational from a negative BigDecimal with an exponent" do r = BigDecimal("-1E2").to_r r.numerator.should eql(-100) r.denominator.should eql(1) end end