require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'bigdecimal' describe "BigDecimal#to_f" do before :each do @one = BigDecimal("1") @zero = BigDecimal("0") @zero_pos = BigDecimal("+0") @zero_neg = BigDecimal("-0") @two = BigDecimal("2") @three = BigDecimal("3") @nan = BigDecimal("NaN") @infinity = BigDecimal("Infinity") @infinity_minus = BigDecimal("-Infinity") @one_minus = BigDecimal("-1") @frac_1 = BigDecimal("1E-99999") @frac_2 = BigDecimal("0.9E-99999") @vals = [@one, @zero, @two, @three, @frac_1, @frac_2] @spec_vals = [@zero_pos, @zero_neg, @nan, @infinity, @infinity_minus] end it "returns number of type float" do BigDecimal("3.14159").to_f.should be_kind_of(Float) @vals.each { |val| val.to_f.should be_kind_of(Float) } @spec_vals.each { |val| val.to_f.should be_kind_of(Float) } end it "rounds correctly to Float precision" do bigdec = BigDecimal("3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375") bigdec.to_f.should be_close(3.14159265358979, TOLERANCE) @one.to_f.should == 1.0 @two.to_f.should == 2.0 @three.to_f.should be_close(3.0, TOLERANCE) @one_minus.to_f.should == -1.0 # regression test for [ruby-talk:338957] BigDecimal("10.03").to_f.should == 10.03 end it "properly handles special values" do @zero.to_f.should == 0 @zero.to_f.to_s.should == "0.0" @nan.to_f.nan?.should == true @infinity.to_f.infinite?.should == 1 @infinity_minus.to_f.infinite?.should == -1 end it "remembers negative zero when converted to float" do @zero_neg.to_f.should == 0 @zero_neg.to_f.to_s.should == "-0.0" end end