require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'bigdecimal' describe "BigDecimal#remainder" do before :each do @zero = BigDecimal("0") @one = BigDecimal("1") @three = BigDecimal("3") @mixed = BigDecimal("1.23456789") @pos_int = BigDecimal("2E5555") @neg_int = BigDecimal("-2E5555") @pos_frac = BigDecimal("2E-9999") @neg_frac = BigDecimal("-2E-9999") @nan = BigDecimal("NaN") @infinity = BigDecimal("Infinity") @infinity_minus = BigDecimal("-Infinity") @one_minus = BigDecimal("-1") @frac_1 = BigDecimal("1E-99999") @frac_2 = BigDecimal("0.9E-99999") end it "it equals modulo, if both values are of same sign" do BigDecimal('1234567890123456789012345679').remainder(BigDecimal('1')).should == @zero BigDecimal('123456789').remainder(BigDecimal('333333333333333333333333333E-50')).should == BigDecimal('0.12233333333333333333345679E-24') @mixed.remainder(@pos_frac).should == @mixed % @pos_frac @pos_int.remainder(@pos_frac).should == @pos_int % @pos_frac @neg_frac.remainder(@neg_int).should == @neg_frac % @neg_int @neg_int.remainder(@neg_frac).should == @neg_int % @neg_frac end it "means self-arg*(self/arg).truncate" do @mixed.remainder(@neg_frac).should == @mixed - @neg_frac * (@mixed / @neg_frac).truncate @pos_int.remainder(@neg_frac).should == @pos_int - @neg_frac * (@pos_int / @neg_frac).truncate @neg_frac.remainder(@pos_int).should == @neg_frac - @pos_int * (@neg_frac / @pos_int).truncate @neg_int.remainder(@pos_frac).should == @neg_int - @pos_frac * (@neg_int / @pos_frac).truncate end it "returns NaN used with zero" do @mixed.remainder(@zero).nan?.should == true @zero.remainder(@zero).nan?.should == true end it "returns zero if used on zero" do @zero.remainder(@mixed).should == @zero end it "returns NaN if NaN is involved" do @nan.remainder(@nan).nan?.should == true @nan.remainder(@one).nan?.should == true @one.remainder(@nan).nan?.should == true @infinity.remainder(@nan).nan?.should == true @nan.remainder(@infinity).nan?.should == true end it "returns NaN if Infinity is involved" do @infinity.remainder(@infinity).nan?.should == true @infinity.remainder(@one).nan?.should == true @infinity.remainder(@mixed).nan?.should == true @infinity.remainder(@one_minus).nan?.should == true @infinity.remainder(@frac_1).nan?.should == true @one.remainder(@infinity).nan?.should == true @infinity_minus.remainder(@infinity_minus).nan?.should == true @infinity_minus.remainder(@one).nan?.should == true @one.remainder(@infinity_minus).nan?.should == true @frac_2.remainder(@infinity_minus).nan?.should == true @infinity.remainder(@infinity_minus).nan?.should == true @infinity_minus.remainder(@infinity).nan?.should == true end it "coerces arguments to BigDecimal if possible" do @three.remainder(2).should == @one end describe "with Object" do it "tries to coerce the other operand to self" do object = mock("Object") object.should_receive(:coerce).with(@three).and_return([@three, 2]) @three.remainder(object).should == @one end end it "raises TypeError if the argument cannot be coerced to BigDecimal" do -> { @one.remainder('2') }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end