require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'bigdecimal' describe "BigDecimal#inspect" do before :each do @bigdec = BigDecimal("1234.5678") end it "returns String" do @bigdec.inspect.kind_of?(String).should == true end ruby_version_is ""..."2.4" do it "returns String starting with #" do @bigdec.inspect[0].should == ?# end it "encloses information in angle brackets" do @bigdec.inspect.should =~ /^.<.*>$/ end it "is comma separated list of three items" do @bigdec.inspect.should =~ /...*,.*,.*/ end it "value after first comma is value as string" do @bigdec.inspect.split(",")[1].should == "\'0.12345678E4\'" end it "last part is number of significant digits" do signific_string = "#{@bigdec.precs[0]}(#{@bigdec.precs[1]})" @bigdec.inspect.split(",")[2].should == signific_string + ">" end it "looks like this" do regex = /^\#\$/ @bigdec.inspect.should =~ regex end end ruby_version_is "2.4" do it "looks like this" do @bigdec.inspect.should == "0.12345678e4" end end end