require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require 'bigdecimal' describe "BigDecimal#fix" do before :each do @zero = BigDecimal("0") @mixed = BigDecimal("1.23456789") @pos_int = BigDecimal("2E5555") @neg_int = BigDecimal("-2E5555") @pos_frac = BigDecimal("2E-9999") @neg_frac = BigDecimal("-2E-9999") @infinity = BigDecimal("Infinity") @infinity_neg = BigDecimal("-Infinity") @nan = BigDecimal("NaN") @zero_pos = BigDecimal("+0") @zero_neg = BigDecimal("-0") end it "returns a BigDecimal" do BigDecimal("2E100000000").fix.kind_of?(BigDecimal).should == true BigDecimal("2E-999").kind_of?(BigDecimal).should == true end it "returns the integer part of the absolute value" do a = BigDecimal("2E1000") a.fix.should == a b = BigDecimal("-2E1000") b.fix.should == b BigDecimal("0.123456789E5").fix.should == BigDecimal("0.12345E5") BigDecimal("-0.123456789E5").fix.should == BigDecimal("-0.12345E5") end it "correctly handles special values" do @infinity.fix.should == @infinity @infinity_neg.fix.should == @infinity_neg @nan.fix.nan?.should == true end it "returns 0 if the absolute value is < 1" do BigDecimal("0.99999").fix.should == 0 BigDecimal("-0.99999").fix.should == 0 BigDecimal("0.000000001").fix.should == 0 BigDecimal("-0.00000001").fix.should == 0 BigDecimal("-1000000").fix.should_not == 0 @zero.fix.should == 0 @zero_pos.fix.should == @zero_pos @zero_neg.fix.should == @zero_neg end it "does not allow any arguments" do lambda { @mixed.fix(10) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end