require_relative '../../spec_helper' require 'bigdecimal' describe "BigDecimal" do it "is not defined unless it is required" do ruby_exe('puts Object.const_defined?(:BigDecimal)').should == "false\n" end end describe "Kernel#BigDecimal" do it "creates a new object of class BigDecimal" do BigDecimal("3.14159").should be_kind_of(BigDecimal) (0..9).each {|i| BigDecimal("1#{i}").should == 10 + i BigDecimal("-1#{i}").should == -10 - i BigDecimal("1E#{i}").should == 10**i BigDecimal("1000000E-#{i}").should == 10**(6-i).to_f # ^ to_f to avoid Rational type } (1..9).each {|i| BigDecimal("100.#{i}").to_s.should =~ /\A0\.100#{i}E3\z/i BigDecimal("-100.#{i}").to_s.should =~ /\A-0\.100#{i}E3\z/i } end it "BigDecimal(Rational) with bigger-than-double numerator" do rational = 99999999999999999999/100r rational.numerator.should > 2**64 BigDecimal(rational, 100).to_s.should == "0.99999999999999999999e18" end it "accepts significant digits >= given precision" do suppress_warning do BigDecimal("3.1415923", 10).precs[1].should >= 10 end end it "determines precision from initial value" do pi_string = "3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593014782083152134043" suppress_warning { BigDecimal(pi_string).precs[1] }.should >= pi_string.size-1 end it "ignores leading and trailing whitespace" do BigDecimal(" \t\n \r1234\t\r\n ").should == BigDecimal("1234") BigDecimal(" \t\n \rNaN \n").should.nan? BigDecimal(" \t\n \rInfinity \n").infinite?.should == 1 BigDecimal(" \t\n \r-Infinity \n").infinite?.should == -1 end it "coerces the value argument with #to_str" do initial = mock("value") initial.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("123") BigDecimal(initial).should == BigDecimal("123") end it "does not ignores trailing garbage" do -> { BigDecimal("123E45ruby") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) -> { BigDecimal("123x45") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) -> { BigDecimal("123.4%E5") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) -> { BigDecimal("1E2E3E4E5E") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises ArgumentError for invalid strings" do -> { BigDecimal("ruby") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) -> { BigDecimal(" \t\n \r-\t\t\tInfinity \n") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "allows omitting the integer part" do BigDecimal(".123").should == BigDecimal("0.123") end it "process underscores as Float()" do reference = BigDecimal("12345.67E89") BigDecimal("12_345.67E89").should == reference -> { BigDecimal("1_2_3_4_5_._6____7_E89") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) -> { BigDecimal("12345_.67E_8__9_") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "accepts NaN and [+-]Infinity" do BigDecimal("NaN").should.nan? pos_inf = BigDecimal("Infinity") pos_inf.should_not.finite? pos_inf.should > 0 pos_inf.should == BigDecimal("+Infinity") neg_inf = BigDecimal("-Infinity") neg_inf.should_not.finite? neg_inf.should < 0 end describe "with exception: false" do it "returns nil for invalid strings" do BigDecimal("invalid", exception: false).should be_nil BigDecimal("0invalid", exception: false).should be_nil BigDecimal("invalid0", exception: false).should be_nil BigDecimal("0.", exception: false).should be_nil end end describe "accepts NaN and [+-]Infinity as Float values" do it "works without an explicit precision" do BigDecimal(Float::NAN).should.nan? pos_inf = BigDecimal(Float::INFINITY) pos_inf.should_not.finite? pos_inf.should > 0 pos_inf.should == BigDecimal("+Infinity") neg_inf = BigDecimal(-Float::INFINITY) neg_inf.should_not.finite? neg_inf.should < 0 end it "works with an explicit precision" do BigDecimal(Float::NAN, Float::DIG).should.nan? pos_inf = BigDecimal(Float::INFINITY, Float::DIG) pos_inf.should_not.finite? pos_inf.should > 0 pos_inf.should == BigDecimal("+Infinity") neg_inf = BigDecimal(-Float::INFINITY, Float::DIG) neg_inf.should_not.finite? neg_inf.should < 0 end end it "allows for [eEdD] as exponent separator" do reference = BigDecimal("12345.67E89") BigDecimal("12345.67e89").should == reference BigDecimal("12345.67E89").should == reference BigDecimal("12345.67d89").should == reference BigDecimal("12345.67D89").should == reference end it "allows for varying signs" do reference = BigDecimal("123.456E1") BigDecimal("+123.456E1").should == reference BigDecimal("-123.456E1").should == -reference BigDecimal("123.456E+1").should == reference BigDecimal("12345.6E-1").should == reference BigDecimal("+123.456E+1").should == reference BigDecimal("+12345.6E-1").should == reference BigDecimal("-123.456E+1").should == -reference BigDecimal("-12345.6E-1").should == -reference end it "raises ArgumentError when Float is used without precision" do -> { BigDecimal(1.0) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "returns appropriate BigDecimal zero for signed zero" do BigDecimal(-0.0, Float::DIG).sign.should == -1 BigDecimal(0.0, Float::DIG).sign.should == 1 end it "pre-coerces long integers" do BigDecimal(3).add(1 << 50, 3).should == BigDecimal('0.113e16') end it "does not call to_s when calling inspect" do value = BigDecimal('44.44') value.to_s.should == '0.4444e2' value.inspect.should == '0.4444e2' ruby_exe( <<-'EOF').should == "cheese 0.4444e2" require 'bigdecimal' module BigDecimalOverride def to_s; "cheese"; end end BigDecimal.prepend BigDecimalOverride value = BigDecimal('44.44') print "#{value.to_s} #{value.inspect}" EOF end describe "when interacting with Rational" do before :each do @a = BigDecimal('166.666666666') @b = Rational(500, 3) @c = @a - @b end # Check the input is as we understand it it "has the LHS print as expected" do @a.to_s.should == "0.166666666666e3" @a.to_f.to_s.should == "166.666666666" Float(@a).to_s.should == "166.666666666" end it "has the RHS print as expected" do @b.to_s.should == "500/3" @b.to_f.to_s.should == "166.66666666666666" Float(@b).to_s.should == "166.66666666666666" end it "has the expected precision on the LHS" do suppress_warning { @a.precs[0] }.should == 18 end it "has the expected maximum precision on the LHS" do suppress_warning { @a.precs[1] }.should == 27 end it "produces the expected result when done via Float" do (Float(@a) - Float(@b)).to_s.should == "-6.666596163995564e-10" end it "produces the expected result when done via to_f" do (@a.to_f - @b.to_f).to_s.should == "-6.666596163995564e-10" end # Check underlying methods work as we understand it "BigDecimal precision is the number of digits rounded up to a multiple of nine" do 1.upto(100) do |n| b = BigDecimal('4' * n) precs, _ = suppress_warning { b.precs } (precs >= 9).should be_true (precs >= n).should be_true (precs % 9).should == 0 end suppress_warning { BigDecimal('NaN').precs[0] }.should == 9 end it "BigDecimal maximum precision is nine more than precision except for abnormals" do 1.upto(100) do |n| b = BigDecimal('4' * n) precs, max = suppress_warning { b.precs } max.should == precs + 9 end suppress_warning { BigDecimal('NaN').precs[1] }.should == 9 end it "BigDecimal(Rational, 18) produces the result we expect" do BigDecimal(@b, 18).to_s.should == "0.166666666666666667e3" end it "BigDecimal(Rational, BigDecimal.precs[0]) produces the result we expect" do BigDecimal(@b, suppress_warning { @a.precs[0] }).to_s.should == "0.166666666666666667e3" end # Check the top-level expression works as we expect it "produces a BigDecimal" do @c.class.should == BigDecimal end it "produces the expected result" do @c.should == BigDecimal("-0.666667e-9") @c.to_s.should == "-0.666667e-9" end it "produces the correct class for other arithmetic operators" do (@a + @b).class.should == BigDecimal (@a * @b).class.should == BigDecimal (@a / @b).class.should == BigDecimal (@a % @b).class.should == BigDecimal end end end