require_relative '../spec_helper' describe "Source files" do describe "encoded in UTF-8 without a BOM" do it "can be parsed" do ruby_exe(fixture(__FILE__, "utf8-nobom.rb"), args: "2>&1").should == "hello\n" end end describe "encoded in UTF-8 with a BOM" do it "can be parsed" do ruby_exe(fixture(__FILE__, "utf8-bom.rb"), args: "2>&1").should == "hello\n" end end describe "encoded in UTF-16 LE without a BOM" do it "are parsed as empty because they contain a NUL byte before the encoding comment" do ruby_exe(fixture(__FILE__, "utf16-le-nobom.rb"), args: "2>&1").should == "" end end describe "encoded in UTF-16 LE with a BOM" do it "are invalid because they contain an invalid UTF-8 sequence before the encoding comment" do bom = "\xFF\xFE".b source = "# encoding: utf-16le\nputs 'hello'\n" source = bom +[0]*source.bytesize).flatten.pack('C*') path = tmp("utf16-le-bom.rb") touch(path, "wb") { |f| f.write source } begin ruby_exe(path, args: "2>&1", exit_status: 1).should =~ /invalid multibyte char/ ensure rm_r path end end end describe "encoded in UTF-16 BE without a BOM" do it "are parsed as empty because they contain a NUL byte before the encoding comment" do ruby_exe(fixture(__FILE__, "utf16-be-nobom.rb"), args: "2>&1").should == "" end end describe "encoded in UTF-16 BE with a BOM" do it "are invalid because they contain an invalid UTF-8 sequence before the encoding comment" do bom = "\xFE\xFF".b source = "# encoding: utf-16be\nputs 'hello'\n" source = bom + ([0]*source.bytesize).zip(source.bytes).flatten.pack('C*') path = tmp("utf16-be-bom.rb") touch(path, "wb") { |f| f.write source } begin ruby_exe(path, args: "2>&1", exit_status: 1).should =~ /invalid multibyte char/ ensure rm_r path end end end end