require_relative '../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/return' describe "The return keyword" do it "returns any object directly" do def r; return 1; end r().should == 1 end it "returns an single element array directly" do def r; return [1]; end r().should == [1] end it "returns an multi element array directly" do def r; return [1,2]; end r().should == [1,2] end it "returns nil by default" do def r; return; end r().should be_nil end describe "in a Thread" do it "raises a LocalJumpError if used to exit a thread" do t = { begin return rescue LocalJumpError => e e end } t.value.should be_an_instance_of(LocalJumpError) end end describe "when passed a splat" do it "returns [] when the ary is empty" do def r; ary = []; return *ary; end r.should == [] end it "returns the array when the array is size of 1" do def r; ary = [1]; return *ary; end r.should == [1] end it "returns the whole array when size is greater than 1" do def r; ary = [1,2]; return *ary; end r.should == [1,2] def r; ary = [1,2,3]; return *ary; end r.should == [1,2,3] end it "returns an array when used as a splat" do def r; value = 1; return *value; end r.should == [1] end it "calls 'to_a' on the splatted value first" do def r obj = def obj.to_a [1,2] end return *obj end r().should == [1,2] end end describe "within a begin" do before :each do ScratchPad.record [] end it "executes ensure before returning" do def f() begin ScratchPad << :begin return :begin ScratchPad << :after_begin ensure ScratchPad << :ensure end ScratchPad << :function end f().should == :begin ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:begin, :ensure] end it "returns last value returned in ensure" do def f() begin ScratchPad << :begin return :begin ScratchPad << :after_begin ensure ScratchPad << :ensure return :ensure ScratchPad << :after_ensure end ScratchPad << :function end f().should == :ensure ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:begin, :ensure] end it "executes nested ensures before returning" do def f() begin begin ScratchPad << :inner_begin return :inner_begin ScratchPad << :after_inner_begin ensure ScratchPad << :inner_ensure end ScratchPad << :outer_begin return :outer_begin ScratchPad << :after_outer_begin ensure ScratchPad << :outer_ensure end ScratchPad << :function end f().should == :inner_begin ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:inner_begin, :inner_ensure, :outer_ensure] end it "returns last value returned in nested ensures" do def f() begin begin ScratchPad << :inner_begin return :inner_begin ScratchPad << :after_inner_begin ensure ScratchPad << :inner_ensure return :inner_ensure ScratchPad << :after_inner_ensure end ScratchPad << :outer_begin return :outer_begin ScratchPad << :after_outer_begin ensure ScratchPad << :outer_ensure return :outer_ensure ScratchPad << :after_outer_ensure end ScratchPad << :function end f().should == :outer_ensure ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:inner_begin, :inner_ensure, :outer_ensure] end it "executes the ensure clause when begin/ensure are inside a lambda" do -> do begin return ensure ScratchPad.recorded << :ensure end ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:ensure] end end describe "within a block" do before :each do ScratchPad.clear end it "causes lambda to return nil if invoked without any arguments" do -> { return; 456 }.call.should be_nil end it "causes lambda to return nil if invoked with an empty expression" do -> { return (); 456 }.call.should be_nil end it "causes lambda to return the value passed to return" do -> { return 123; 456 }.call.should == 123 end it "causes the method that lexically encloses the block to return" do == :return_value ScratchPad.recorded.should == :before_return end it "returns from the lexically enclosing method even in case of chained calls" do == :return_value ScratchPad.recorded.should == :before_return end it "returns from the lexically enclosing method even in case of chained calls(in yield)" do == :return_value ScratchPad.recorded.should == :before_return end it "causes the method to return even when the immediate parent has already returned" do == :return_value ScratchPad.recorded.should == :before_return end # jruby/jruby#3143 describe "downstream from a lambda" do it "returns to its own return-capturing lexical enclosure" do def a ->{ yield }.call return 2 end def b a { return 1 } end b.should == 1 end end end describe "within two blocks" do it "causes the method that lexically encloses the block to return" do def f 1.times { 1.times {return true}; false}; false end f.should be_true end end describe "within define_method" do it "goes through the method via a closure" do == :good end it "stops at the method when the return is used directly" do == :good end end describe "invoked with a method call without parentheses with a block" do it "returns the value returned from the method call" do == 5 == [0, 1, 2] end end describe "at top level" do before :each do @filename = tmp("top_return.rb") ScratchPad.record [] end after do rm_r @filename end it "stops file execution" do ruby_exe(<<-END_OF_CODE).should == "before return\n" puts "before return" return puts "after return" END_OF_CODE $?.exitstatus.should == 0 end describe "within if" do it "is allowed" do File.write(@filename, <<-END_OF_CODE) ScratchPad << "before if" if true return end ScratchPad << "after if" END_OF_CODE load @filename ScratchPad.recorded.should == ["before if"] end end describe "within while loop" do it "is allowed" do File.write(@filename, <<-END_OF_CODE) ScratchPad << "before while" while true return end ScratchPad << "after while" END_OF_CODE load @filename ScratchPad.recorded.should == ["before while"] end end describe "within a begin" do it "is allowed in begin block" do File.write(@filename, <<-END_OF_CODE) ScratchPad << "before begin" begin return end ScratchPad << "after begin" END_OF_CODE load @filename ScratchPad.recorded.should == ["before begin"] end it "is allowed in ensure block" do File.write(@filename, <<-END_OF_CODE) ScratchPad << "before begin" begin ensure return end ScratchPad << "after begin" END_OF_CODE load @filename ScratchPad.recorded.should == ["before begin"] end it "is allowed in rescue block" do File.write(@filename, <<-END_OF_CODE) ScratchPad << "before begin" begin raise rescue RuntimeError return end ScratchPad << "after begin" END_OF_CODE load @filename ScratchPad.recorded.should == ["before begin"] end it "fires ensure block before returning" do ruby_exe(<<-END_OF_CODE).should == "within ensure\n" begin return ensure puts "within ensure" end puts "after begin" END_OF_CODE end it "fires ensure block before returning while loads file" do File.write(@filename, <<-END_OF_CODE) ScratchPad << "before begin" begin return ensure ScratchPad << "within ensure" end ScratchPad << "after begin" END_OF_CODE load @filename ScratchPad.recorded.should == ["before begin", "within ensure"] end it "swallows exception if returns in ensure block" do File.write(@filename, <<-END_OF_CODE) begin raise ensure ScratchPad << "before return" return end END_OF_CODE load @filename ScratchPad.recorded.should == ["before return"] end end describe "within a block" do it "is allowed" do File.write(@filename, <<-END_OF_CODE) ScratchPad << "before call" proc { return }.call ScratchPad << "after call" END_OF_CODE load @filename ScratchPad.recorded.should == ["before call"] end end describe "within a class" do it "raises a SyntaxError" do File.write(@filename, <<-END_OF_CODE) class ReturnSpecs::A ScratchPad << "before return" return ScratchPad << "after return" end END_OF_CODE -> { load @filename }.should raise_error(SyntaxError) end end describe "within a block within a class" do it "is not allowed" do File.write(@filename, <<-END_OF_CODE) class ReturnSpecs::A ScratchPad << "before return" 1.times { return } ScratchPad << "after return" end END_OF_CODE -> { load @filename }.should raise_error(LocalJumpError) end end describe "within BEGIN" do it "is allowed" do File.write(@filename, <<-END_OF_CODE) BEGIN { ScratchPad << "before call" return ScratchPad << "after call" } END_OF_CODE load @filename ScratchPad.recorded.should == ["before call"] end end describe "file loading" do it "stops file loading and execution" do File.write(@filename, <<-END_OF_CODE) ScratchPad << "before return" return ScratchPad << "after return" END_OF_CODE load @filename ScratchPad.recorded.should == ["before return"] end end describe "file requiring" do it "stops file loading and execution" do File.write(@filename, <<-END_OF_CODE) ScratchPad << "before return" return ScratchPad << "after return" END_OF_CODE require @filename ScratchPad.recorded.should == ["before return"] end end describe "return with argument" do it "warns but does not affect exit status" do err = ruby_exe(<<-END_OF_CODE, args: "2>&1") return 10 END_OF_CODE $?.exitstatus.should == 0 err.should =~ /warning: argument of top-level return is ignored/ end end end end