require_relative '../spec_helper' describe "``" do it "returns the output of the executed sub-process" do ip = 'world' `echo disc #{ip}`.should == "disc world\n" end it "can be redefined and receive a frozen string as argument" do called = false runner = runner.singleton_class.define_method(:`) do |str| called = true str.should == "test command" str.frozen?.should == true end runner.instance_exec do `test command` end called.should == true end it "the argument isn't frozen if it contains interpolation" do called = false runner = runner.singleton_class.define_method(:`) do |str| called = true str.should == "test command" str.frozen?.should == false str << "mutated" end 2.times do runner.instance_exec do `test #{:command}` end end called.should == true end end describe "%x" do it "is the same as ``" do ip = 'world' %x(echo disc #{ip}).should == "disc world\n" end it "can be redefined and receive a frozen string as argument" do called = false runner = runner.singleton_class.define_method(:`) do |str| called = true str.should == "test command" str.frozen?.should == true end runner.instance_exec do %x{test command} end called.should == true end it "the argument isn't frozen if it contains interpolation" do called = false runner = runner.singleton_class.define_method(:`) do |str| called = true str.should == "test command" str.frozen?.should == false str << "mutated" end 2.times do runner.instance_exec do %x{test #{:command}} end end called.should == true end end