require_relative '../spec_helper' # Should be synchronized with spec/ruby/language/optional_assignments_spec.rb describe 'Assignments' do describe 'using +=' do describe 'using an accessor' do before do klass = { attr_accessor :b } @a = end it 'does evaluate receiver only once when assigns' do ScratchPad.record [] @a.b = 1 (ScratchPad << :evaluated; @a).b += 2 ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:evaluated] @a.b.should == 3 end it 'ignores method visibility when receiver is self' do klass_with_private_methods = do def initialize(n) @a = n end def public_method(n); self.a += n end private def a; @a end def a=(n) @a = n; 42 end end a = a.public_method(2).should == 2 end end describe 'using a #[]' do before do klass = do def [](k) @hash ||= {} @hash[k] end def []=(k, v) @hash ||= {} @hash[k] = v 7 end end @b = end it 'evaluates receiver only once when assigns' do ScratchPad.record [] a = {k: 1} (ScratchPad << :evaluated; a)[:k] += 2 ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:evaluated] a[:k].should == 3 end it 'ignores method visibility when receiver is self' do klass_with_private_methods = do def initialize(h) @a = h end def public_method(k, n); self[k] += n end private def [](k) @a[k] end def []=(k, v) @a[k] = v; 42 end end a = 0) a.public_method(:k, 2).should == 2 end context 'splatted argument' do it 'correctly handles it' do @b[:m] = 10 (@b[*[:m]] += 10).should == 20 @b[:m].should == 20 @b[:n] = 10 (@b[*(1; [:n])] += 10).should == 20 @b[:n].should == 20 @b[:k] = 10 (@b[*begin 1; [:k] end] += 10).should == 20 @b[:k].should == 20 end it 'calls #to_a only once' do k = def k.to_a ScratchPad << :to_a [:k] end ScratchPad.record [] @b[:k] = 10 (@b[*k] += 10).should == 20 @b[:k].should == 20 ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:to_a] end it 'correctly handles a nested splatted argument' do @b[:k] = 10 (@b[*[*[:k]]] += 10).should == 20 @b[:k].should == 20 end it 'correctly handles multiple nested splatted arguments' do klass_with_multiple_parameters = do def [](k1, k2, k3) @hash ||= {} @hash[:"#{k1}#{k2}#{k3}"] end def []=(k1, k2, k3, v) @hash ||= {} @hash[:"#{k1}#{k2}#{k3}"] = v 7 end end a = a[:a, :b, :c] = 10 (a[*[:a], *[:b], *[:c]] += 10).should == 20 a[:a, :b, :c].should == 20 end end end describe 'using compounded constants' do it 'causes side-effects of the module part to be applied only once (when assigns)' do module ConstantSpecs OpAssignTrue = 1 end suppress_warning do # already initialized constant x = 0 (x += 1; ConstantSpecs)::OpAssignTrue += 2 x.should == 1 ConstantSpecs::OpAssignTrue.should == 3 end ConstantSpecs.send :remove_const, :OpAssignTrue end end end end