require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Warning.warn" do it "complains" do -> { Warning.warn("Chunky bacon!") }.should complain("Chunky bacon!") end it "does not add a newline" do ruby_exe("Warning.warn('test')", args: "2>&1").should == "test" end it "returns nil" do ruby_exe("p Warning.warn('test')", args: "2>&1").should == "testnil\n" end it "extends itself" do Warning.singleton_class.ancestors.should include(Warning) end it "has Warning as the method owner" do ruby_exe("p Warning.method(:warn).owner").should == "Warning\n" end it "can be overridden" do code = <<-RUBY $stdout.sync = true $stderr.sync = true def Warning.warn(msg) if msg.start_with?("A") puts msg.upcase else super end end Warning.warn("A warning!") Warning.warn("warning from stderr\n") RUBY ruby_exe(code, args: "2>&1").should == %Q[A WARNING!\nwarning from stderr\n] end it "is called by parser warnings" do Warning.should_receive(:warn) verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = false begin eval "{ key: :value, key: :value2 }" ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end end ruby_version_is '3.0' do it "is called by Kernel.warn with nil category keyword" do Warning.should_receive(:warn).with("Chunky bacon!\n", category: nil) verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = false begin Kernel.warn("Chunky bacon!") ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end end it "is called by Kernel.warn with given category keyword converted to a symbol" do Warning.should_receive(:warn).with("Chunky bacon!\n", category: :deprecated) verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = false begin Kernel.warn("Chunky bacon!", category: "deprecated") ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end end it "warns when category is :deprecated and Warning[:deprecated] is true" do warn_deprecated = Warning[:deprecated] Warning[:deprecated] = true begin -> { Warning.warn("foo", category: :deprecated) }.should complain("foo") ensure Warning[:deprecated] = warn_deprecated end end it "warns when category is :experimental and Warning[:experimental] is true" do warn_experimental = Warning[:experimental] Warning[:experimental] = true begin -> { Warning.warn("foo", category: :experimental) }.should complain("foo") ensure Warning[:experimental] = warn_experimental end end it "doesn't print message when category is :deprecated but Warning[:deprecated] is false" do warn_deprecated = Warning[:deprecated] Warning[:deprecated] = false begin -> { Warning.warn("foo", category: :deprecated) }.should_not complain ensure Warning[:deprecated] = warn_deprecated end end it "doesn't print message when category is :experimental but Warning[:experimental] is false" do warn_experimental = Warning[:experimental] Warning[:experimental] = false begin -> { Warning.warn("foo", category: :experimental) }.should_not complain ensure Warning[:experimental] = warn_experimental end end it "prints the message when VERBOSE is false" do -> { Warning.warn("foo") }.should complain("foo") end it "prints the message when VERBOSE is nil" do -> { Warning.warn("foo") }.should complain("foo", verbose: nil) end it "prints the message when VERBOSE is true" do -> { Warning.warn("foo") }.should complain("foo", verbose: true) end end ruby_version_is ''...'3.0' do it "is called by Kernel.warn" do Warning.should_receive(:warn).with("Chunky bacon!\n") verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = false begin Kernel.warn("Chunky bacon!") ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end end end end