require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' ruby_version_is '2.7' do describe "UnboundMethod#bind_call" do before :each do @normal_um = @parent_um = @child1_um = @child2_um = end it "raises TypeError if object is not kind_of? the Module the method defined in" do -> { @normal_um.bind_call( }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "binds and calls the method if object is kind_of the Module the method defined in" do @normal_um.bind_call( == true end it "binds and calls the method on any object when UnboundMethod is unbound from a module" do UnboundMethodSpecs::Mod.instance_method(:from_mod).bind_call( == nil end it "binds and calls the method for any object kind_of? the Module the method is defined in" do @parent_um.bind_call( == nil @child1_um.bind_call( == nil @child2_um.bind_call( == nil end it "binds and calls a Kernel method retrieved from Object on BasicObject" do Object.instance_method(:instance_of?).bind_call(, BasicObject).should == true end it "binds and calls a Parent's class method to any Child's class methods" do um = UnboundMethodSpecs::Parent.method(:class_method).unbind um.bind_call(UnboundMethodSpecs::Child1).should == "I am UnboundMethodSpecs::Child1" end it "will raise when binding a an object singleton's method to another object" do other = p = class << p def singleton_method :single end end um = p.method(:singleton_method).unbind ->{ um.bind_call(other) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end end