require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Thread.report_on_exception" do it "defaults to true" do ruby_exe("p Thread.report_on_exception").should == "true\n" end end describe "Thread.report_on_exception=" do before :each do @report_on_exception = Thread.report_on_exception end after :each do Thread.report_on_exception = @report_on_exception end it "changes the default value for new threads" do Thread.report_on_exception = true Thread.report_on_exception.should == true t = {} t.join t.report_on_exception.should == true end end describe "Thread#report_on_exception" do it "returns true for the main Thread" do Thread.current.report_on_exception.should == true end it "returns true for new Threads" do { Thread.current.report_on_exception }.value.should == true end it "returns whether the Thread will print a backtrace if it exits with an exception" do t = { Thread.current.report_on_exception = true } t.join t.report_on_exception.should == true t = { Thread.current.report_on_exception = false } t.join t.report_on_exception.should == false end end describe "Thread#report_on_exception=" do describe "when set to true" do it "prints a backtrace on $stderr if it terminates with an exception" do t = nil -> { t = { Thread.current.report_on_exception = true raise RuntimeError, "Thread#report_on_exception specs" } Thread.pass while t.alive? }.should output("", /Thread.+terminated with exception.+Thread#report_on_exception specs/m) -> { t.join }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "Thread#report_on_exception specs") end it "prints a backtrace on $stderr in the regular backtrace order" do line_raise = __LINE__ + 2 def foo raise RuntimeError, "Thread#report_on_exception specs backtrace order" end line_call_foo = __LINE__ + 5 go = false t = { Thread.current.report_on_exception = true Thread.pass until go foo } -> { go = true Thread.pass while t.alive? }.should output("", /\A #{Regexp.quote(t.inspect)}\sterminated\swith\sexception\s\(report_on_exception\sis\strue\):\n #{Regexp.quote(__FILE__)}:#{line_raise}:in\s[`']foo':\sThread\#report_on_exception\sspecs\sbacktrace\sorder\s\(RuntimeError\)\n \tfrom\s#{Regexp.quote(__FILE__)}:#{line_call_foo}:in\s[`']block\s\(4\slevels\)\sin\s'\n \z/x) -> { t.join }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "Thread#report_on_exception specs backtrace order") end it "prints the backtrace even if the thread was killed just after Thread#raise" do t = nil ready = false -> { t = { Thread.current.report_on_exception = true ready = true sleep } Thread.pass until ready and t.stop? t.raise RuntimeError, "Thread#report_on_exception before kill spec" t.kill Thread.pass while t.alive? }.should output("", /Thread.+terminated with exception.+Thread#report_on_exception before kill spec/m) -> { t.join }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "Thread#report_on_exception before kill spec") end end describe "when set to false" do it "lets the thread terminates silently with an exception" do t = nil -> { t = { Thread.current.report_on_exception = false raise RuntimeError, "Thread#report_on_exception specs" } Thread.pass while t.alive? }.should output("", "") -> { t.join }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "Thread#report_on_exception specs") end end describe "when used in conjunction with Thread#abort_on_exception" do it "first reports then send the exception back to the main Thread" do t = nil mutex = mutex.lock -> { t = { Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true Thread.current.report_on_exception = true mutex.lock mutex.unlock raise RuntimeError, "Thread#report_on_exception specs" } -> { mutex.sleep(5) }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "Thread#report_on_exception specs") }.should output("", /Thread.+terminated with exception.+Thread#report_on_exception specs/m) -> { t.join }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "Thread#report_on_exception specs") end end end