require_relative '../../spec_helper' ruby_version_is "3.1" do platform_is :linux, :darwin, :windows, :freebsd do describe "Thread#native_thread_id" do it "returns an integer when the thread is alive" do Thread.current.native_thread_id.should be_kind_of(Integer) end it "returns nil when the thread is not running" do t = {} t.join t.native_thread_id.should == nil end it "each thread has different native thread id" do t = { sleep } Thread.pass until t.stop? main_thread_id = Thread.current.native_thread_id t_thread_id = t.native_thread_id if ruby_version_is "3.3" # native_thread_id can be nil on a M:N scheduler t_thread_id.should be_kind_of(Integer) if t_thread_id != nil else t_thread_id.should be_kind_of(Integer) end main_thread_id.should_not == t_thread_id t.join t.native_thread_id.should == nil end end end end