require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Thread.each_caller_location" do ruby_version_is "3.2" do it "iterates through the current execution stack and matches caller_locations content and type" do ScratchPad.record [] Thread.each_caller_location { |l| ScratchPad << l; } == ScratchPad.recorded[0].should be_kind_of(Thread::Backtrace::Location) end it "returns subset of 'Thread.to_enum(:each_caller_location)' locations" do ar = [] ecl = Thread.each_caller_location { |x| ar << x } ( - Thread.to_enum(:each_caller_location) end it "stops the backtrace iteration if 'break' occurs" do i = 0 ar = [] ecl = Thread.each_caller_location do |x| ar << x i += 1 break x if i == 2 end == caller_locations(1, 2).map(&:to_s) ecl.should be_kind_of(Thread::Backtrace::Location) end it "returns nil" do Thread.each_caller_location {}.should == nil end it "raises LocalJumpError when called without a block" do -> { Thread.each_caller_location }.should raise_error(LocalJumpError, "no block given") end it "doesn't accept keyword arguments" do -> { Thread.each_caller_location(12, foo: 10) {} }.should raise_error(ArgumentError); end end end