require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Symbol#to_proc" do it "returns a new Proc" do proc = :to_s.to_proc proc.should be_kind_of(Proc) end it "sends self to arguments passed when calling #call on the Proc" do obj = mock("Receiving #to_s") obj.should_receive(:to_s).and_return("Received #to_s") == "Received #to_s" end ruby_version_is ""..."2.8" do it "returns a Proc with #lambda? false" do pr = :to_s.to_proc pr.lambda?.should == false end it "produces a Proc with arity -1" do pr = :to_s.to_proc pr.arity.should == -1 end it "produces a Proc that always returns [[:rest]] for #parameters" do pr = :to_s.to_proc pr.parameters.should == [[:rest]] end end ruby_version_is "2.8" do it "returns a Proc with #lambda? true" do pr = :to_s.to_proc pr.lambda?.should == true end it "produces a Proc with arity -2" do pr = :to_s.to_proc pr.arity.should == -2 end it "produces a Proc that always returns [[:req], [:rest]] for #parameters" do pr = :to_s.to_proc pr.parameters.should == [[:req], [:rest]] end end it "raises an ArgumentError when calling #call on the Proc without receiver" do -> { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "no receiver given") end it "passes along the block passed to Proc#call" do klass = do def m yield end def to_proc { :value } end end == :value end it "produces a proc with source location nil" do pr = :to_s.to_proc pr.source_location.should == nil end end