require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "String#upto" do it "passes successive values, starting at self and ending at other_string, to the block" do a = [] "*+".upto("*3") { |s| a << s } a.should == ["*+", "*,", "*-", "*.", "*/", "*0", "*1", "*2", "*3"] end it "calls the block once even when start eqals stop" do a = [] "abc".upto("abc") { |s| a << s } a.should == ["abc"] end it "doesn't call block with self even if self is less than stop but stop length is less than self length" do a = [] "25".upto("5") { |s| a << s } a.should == [] end it "doesn't call block if stop is less than self and stop length is less than self length" do a = [] "25".upto("1") { |s| a << s } a.should == [] end it "doesn't call the block if self is greater than stop" do a = [] "5".upto("2") { |s| a << s } a.should == [] end it "stops iterating as soon as the current value's character count gets higher than stop's" do a = [] "96".upto("AA") { |s| a << s } a.should == ["96", "97", "98", "99"] end it "returns self" do "abc".upto("abd") { }.should == "abc" "5".upto("2") { |i| i }.should == "5" end it "tries to convert other to string using to_str" do other = mock('abd') def other.to_str() "abd" end a = [] "abc".upto(other) { |s| a << s } a.should == ["abc", "abd"] end it "raises a TypeError if other can't be converted to a string" do lambda { "abc".upto(123) { } }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { "abc".upto(mock('x')){ } }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "does not work with symbols" do lambda { "a".upto(:c).to_a }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "returns non-alphabetic characters in the ASCII range for single letters" do "9".upto("A").to_a.should == ["9", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "A"] "Z".upto("a").to_a.should == ["Z", "[", "\\", "]", "^", "_", "`", "a"] "z".upto("~").to_a.should == ["z", "{", "|", "}", "~"] end it "stops before the last value if exclusive" do a = [] "a".upto("d", true) { |s| a << s} a.should == ["a", "b", "c"] end describe "on sequence of numbers" do it "calls the block as Integer#upto" do "8".upto("11").to_a.should == 8.upto(11).map(&:to_s) end end describe "when no block is given" do it "returns an enumerator" do enum = "aaa".upto("baa", true) enum.should be_an_instance_of(Enumerator) enum.count.should == 26**2 end describe "returned Enumerator" do describe "size" do it "should return nil" do "a".upto("b").size.should == nil end end end end end