# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: false require_relative '../../spec_helper' # Examples taken from http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/#Norm_Forms describe "String#unicode_normalize" do before :each do @accented_f = "\u1e9b\u0323" @angstrom = "\u212b" @ohm = "\u2126" end it "normalizes code points in the string according to the form that is specified" do @accented_f.unicode_normalize(:nfc).should == "\u1e9b\u0323" @accented_f.unicode_normalize(:nfd).should == "\u017f\u0323\u0307" @accented_f.unicode_normalize(:nfkc).should == "\u1e69" @accented_f.unicode_normalize(:nfkd).should == "\u0073\u0323\u0307" end it "defaults to the nfc normalization form if no forms are specified" do @accented_f.unicode_normalize.should == "\u1e9b\u0323" @angstrom.unicode_normalize.should == "\u00c5" @ohm.unicode_normalize.should == "\u03a9" end # http://unicode.org/faq/normalization.html#6 context "returns normalized form of string by default" do it "03D3 (ϓ) GREEK UPSILON WITH ACUTE AND HOOK SYMBOL" do "\u03D3".unicode_normalize(:nfc).should == "\u03D3" "\u03D3".unicode_normalize(:nfd).should == "\u03D2\u0301" "\u03D3".unicode_normalize(:nfkc).should == "\u038E" "\u03D3".unicode_normalize(:nfkd).should == "\u03A5\u0301" end it "03D4 (ϔ) GREEK UPSILON WITH DIAERESIS AND HOOK SYMBOL" do "\u03D4".unicode_normalize(:nfc).should == "\u03D4" "\u03D4".unicode_normalize(:nfd).should == "\u03D2\u0308" "\u03D4".unicode_normalize(:nfkc).should == "\u03AB" "\u03D4".unicode_normalize(:nfkd).should == "\u03A5\u0308" end it "1E9B (ẛ) LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S WITH DOT ABOVE" do "\u1E9B".unicode_normalize(:nfc).should == "\u1E9B" "\u1E9B".unicode_normalize(:nfd).should == "\u017F\u0307" "\u1E9B".unicode_normalize(:nfkc).should == "\u1E61" "\u1E9B".unicode_normalize(:nfkd).should == "\u0073\u0307" end end it "raises an Encoding::CompatibilityError if string is not in an unicode encoding" do -> do [0xE0].pack('C').force_encoding("ISO-8859-1").unicode_normalize(:nfd) end.should raise_error(Encoding::CompatibilityError) end it "raises an ArgumentError if the specified form is invalid" do -> { @angstrom.unicode_normalize(:invalid_form) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "String#unicode_normalize!" do it "normalizes code points and modifies the receiving string" do angstrom = "\u212b" angstrom.unicode_normalize! angstrom.should == "\u00c5" angstrom.should_not == "\u212b" end it "modifies original string (nfc)" do str = "a\u0300" str.unicode_normalize!(:nfc) str.should_not == "a\u0300" str.should == "à" end it "modifies self in place (nfd)" do str = "\u00E0" str.unicode_normalize!(:nfd) str.should_not == "\u00E0" str.should == "a\u0300" end it "modifies self in place (nfkc)" do str = "\u1E9B\u0323" str.unicode_normalize!(:nfkc) str.should_not == "\u1E9B\u0323" str.should == "\u1E69" end it "modifies self in place (nfkd)" do str = "\u1E9B\u0323" str.unicode_normalize!(:nfkd) str.should_not == "\u1E9B\u0323" str.should == "s\u0323\u0307" end it "raises an Encoding::CompatibilityError if the string is not in an unicode encoding" do -> { [0xE0].pack('C').force_encoding("ISO-8859-1").unicode_normalize! }.should raise_error(Encoding::CompatibilityError) end it "raises an ArgumentError if the specified form is invalid" do ohm = "\u2126" -> { ohm.unicode_normalize!(:invalid_form) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end