# -*- encoding: binary -*- require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' # TODO: rewrite all these specs describe "String#squeeze" do it "returns new string where runs of the same character are replaced by a single character when no args are given" do "yellow moon".squeeze.should == "yelow mon" end it "only squeezes chars that are in the intersection of all sets given" do "woot squeeze cheese".squeeze("eost", "queo").should == "wot squeze chese" " now is the".squeeze(" ").should == " now is the" end it "negates sets starting with ^" do s = "<>" s.squeeze("beko", "^e").should == s.squeeze("bko") s.squeeze("^").should == s.squeeze("o") s.squeeze("^o").should == s.squeeze("") s.squeeze("^").should == s "^__^".squeeze("^^").should == "^_^" "((^^__^^))".squeeze("_^").should == "((^_^))" end it "squeezes all chars in a sequence" do s = "--subbookkeeper--" s.squeeze("\x00-\xFF").should == s.squeeze s.squeeze("bk-o").should == s.squeeze("bklmno") s.squeeze("b-e").should == s.squeeze("bcde") s.squeeze("e-").should == "-subbookkeper-" s.squeeze("-e").should == "-subbookkeper-" s.squeeze("---").should == "-subbookkeeper-" "ook--001122".squeeze("--2").should == "ook-012" "ook--(())".squeeze("(--").should == "ook-()" s.squeeze("^b-e").should == "-subbokeeper-" "^^__^^".squeeze("^^-^").should == "^^_^^" "^^--^^".squeeze("^---").should == "^--^" s.squeeze("b-dk-o-").should == "-subokeeper-" s.squeeze("-b-dk-o").should == "-subokeeper-" s.squeeze("b-d-k-o").should == "-subokeeper-" s.squeeze("bc-e").should == "--subookkeper--" s.squeeze("^bc-e").should == "-subbokeeper-" "AABBCCaabbcc[[]]".squeeze("A-a").should == "ABCabbcc[]" end it "raises an ArgumentError when the parameter is out of sequence" do s = "--subbookkeeper--" -> { s.squeeze("e-b") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) -> { s.squeeze("^e-b") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "tries to convert each set arg to a string using to_str" do other_string = mock('lo') other_string.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("lo") other_string2 = mock('o') other_string2.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("o") "hello room".squeeze(other_string, other_string2).should == "hello rom" end it "raises a TypeError when one set arg can't be converted to a string" do -> { "hello world".squeeze([]) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { "hello world".squeeze(Object.new)}.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { "hello world".squeeze(mock('x')) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end ruby_version_is ''...'3.0' do it "returns subclass instances when called on a subclass" do StringSpecs::MyString.new("oh no!!!").squeeze("!").should be_an_instance_of(StringSpecs::MyString) end end ruby_version_is '3.0' do it "returns String instances when called on a subclass" do StringSpecs::MyString.new("oh no!!!").squeeze("!").should be_an_instance_of(String) end end end describe "String#squeeze!" do it "modifies self in place and returns self" do a = "yellow moon" a.squeeze!.should equal(a) a.should == "yelow mon" end it "returns nil if no modifications were made" do a = "squeeze" a.squeeze!("u", "sq").should == nil a.squeeze!("q").should == nil a.should == "squeeze" end it "raises an ArgumentError when the parameter is out of sequence" do s = "--subbookkeeper--" -> { s.squeeze!("e-b") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) -> { s.squeeze!("^e-b") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises a FrozenError when self is frozen" do a = "yellow moon" a.freeze -> { a.squeeze!("") }.should raise_error(FrozenError) -> { a.squeeze! }.should raise_error(FrozenError) end end