describe :string_concat, shared: true do it "concatenates the given argument to self and returns self" do str = 'hello ' str.send(@method, 'world').should equal(str) str.should == "hello world" end it "converts the given argument to a String using to_str" do obj = mock('world!') obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("world!") a = 'hello '.send(@method, obj) a.should == 'hello world!' end it "raises a TypeError if the given argument can't be converted to a String" do lambda { 'hello '.send(@method, []) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { 'hello '.send(@method, mock('x')) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a #{frozen_error_class} when self is frozen" do a = "hello" a.freeze lambda { a.send(@method, "") }.should raise_error(frozen_error_class) lambda { a.send(@method, "test") }.should raise_error(frozen_error_class) end it "returns a String when given a subclass instance" do a = "hello" a.send(@method," world")) a.should == "hello world" a.should be_an_instance_of(String) end it "returns an instance of same class when called on a subclass" do str ="hello") str.send(@method, " world") str.should == "hello world" str.should be_an_instance_of(StringSpecs::MyString) end it "taints self if other is tainted" do "x".send(@method, "".taint).tainted?.should == true "x".send(@method, "y".taint).tainted?.should == true end it "untrusts self if other is untrusted" do "x".send(@method, "".untrust).untrusted?.should == true "x".send(@method, "y".untrust).untrusted?.should == true end describe "with Integer" do it "concatencates the argument interpreted as a codepoint" do b = "".send(@method, 33) b.should == "!" b.encode!(Encoding::UTF_8) b.send(@method, 0x203D) b.should == "!\u203D" end # #5855 it "returns a ASCII-8BIT string if self is US-ASCII and the argument is between 128-255 (inclusive)" do a = ("".encode(Encoding::US_ASCII).send(@method, 128)) a.encoding.should == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT a.should == 128.chr a = ("".encode(Encoding::US_ASCII).send(@method, 255)) a.encoding.should == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT a.should == 255.chr end it "raises RangeError if the argument is an invalid codepoint for self's encoding" do lambda { "".encode(Encoding::US_ASCII).send(@method, 256) }.should raise_error(RangeError) lambda { "".encode(Encoding::EUC_JP).send(@method, 0x81) }.should raise_error(RangeError) end it "raises RangeError if the argument is negative" do lambda { "".send(@method, -200) }.should raise_error(RangeError) lambda { "".send(@method, -bignum_value) }.should raise_error(RangeError) end it "doesn't call to_int on its argument" do x = mock('x') x.should_not_receive(:to_int) lambda { "".send(@method, x) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a #{frozen_error_class} when self is frozen" do a = "hello" a.freeze lambda { a.send(@method, 0) }.should raise_error(frozen_error_class) lambda { a.send(@method, 33) }.should raise_error(frozen_error_class) end end end describe :string_concat_encoding, shared: true do describe "when self is in an ASCII-incompatible encoding incompatible with the argument's encoding" do it "uses self's encoding if both are empty" do "".encode("UTF-16LE").send(@method, "").encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_16LE end it "uses self's encoding if the argument is empty" do "x".encode("UTF-16LE").send(@method, "").encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_16LE end it "uses the argument's encoding if self is empty" do "".encode("UTF-16LE").send(@method, "x".encode("UTF-8")).encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 end it "raises Encoding::CompatibilityError if neither are empty" do lambda { "x".encode("UTF-16LE").send(@method, "y".encode("UTF-8")) }.should raise_error(Encoding::CompatibilityError) end end describe "when the argument is in an ASCII-incompatible encoding incompatible with self's encoding" do it "uses self's encoding if both are empty" do "".encode("UTF-8").send(@method, "".encode("UTF-16LE")).encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 end it "uses self's encoding if the argument is empty" do "x".encode("UTF-8").send(@method, "".encode("UTF-16LE")).encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 end it "uses the argument's encoding if self is empty" do "".encode("UTF-8").send(@method, "x".encode("UTF-16LE")).encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_16LE end it "raises Encoding::CompatibilityError if neither are empty" do lambda { "x".encode("UTF-8").send(@method, "y".encode("UTF-16LE")) }.should raise_error(Encoding::CompatibilityError) end end describe "when self and the argument are in different ASCII-compatible encodings" do it "uses self's encoding if both are ASCII-only" do "abc".encode("UTF-8").send(@method, "123".encode("SHIFT_JIS")).encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 end it "uses self's encoding if the argument is ASCII-only" do "\u00E9".encode("UTF-8").send(@method, "123".encode("ISO-8859-1")).encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 end it "uses the argument's encoding if self is ASCII-only" do "abc".encode("UTF-8").send(@method, "\u00E9".encode("ISO-8859-1")).encoding.should == Encoding::ISO_8859_1 end it "raises Encoding::CompatibilityError if neither are ASCII-only" do lambda { "\u00E9".encode("UTF-8").send(@method, "\u00E9".encode("ISO-8859-1")) }.should raise_error(Encoding::CompatibilityError) end end describe "when self is ASCII-8BIT and argument is US-ASCII" do it "uses ASCII-8BIT encoding" do "abc".encode("ASCII-8BIT").send(@method, "123".encode("US-ASCII")).encoding.should == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT end end end